
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Government's economic case for third runway at Heathrow is "flawed and misleading"

Posted by jossc — 14 February 2008 at 1:34pm - Comments

A new report published today undermines the economic case for building a third runway at Heathrow Airport. It shows that the Department for Transport (DfT) based part of its case for expansion on an Oxford Economic Forecasting (OEF) study commissioned by BAA, the company who own and manage Heathrow.

BA airliner landing at Heathrow Unsurprisingly, the BAA funded study over- estimates the benefits of a third runway, assuming it would generate an extra 3 million business passengers contributing £400 each to the UK economy (making it worth £5billion over 70 years) - the DfT's original estimate was for half a million new business passengers spending around £120 each.

Heathrow consultation - have your say

Posted by jossc — 6 February 2008 at 12:31pm - Comments

There's still time to let the government know how you feel about BAA's plans to build a third runway at Heathrow Airport, but the consultation process end on the 27th February so time is running out. If you live in London you can make your voice heard at the public meetings listed below.

Clean grafitti hits London streets

Posted by jossc — 4 February 2008 at 4:07pm - Comments

Stop Heathrow: clean graffitti on Defra's doorstep

Anti-Heathrow expansion activists were out and about at the weekend keeping up the pressure on the government to think again about plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport. This time they took to the streets - literally - to get the message across, using a new method called 'clean grafitti'.

Taking a cue from the "wash me" messages scrawled on the back of delivery trucks, clean (or reverse) graffiti uses high-pressure steam to imprint images on dirty walls and pavements.

Airfixed: how the government's Heathrow consultation has been rigged

Posted by jamie — 25 January 2008 at 12:07pm - Comments

The government's consultation on Heathrow is fixed.

  • There is evidence of extraordinary collusion between the government and BAA working together to influence the outcome of the consultation. [1]
  • The prime minister and government ministers have made repeated comments that they want the expansion to go ahead, pre-empting the outcome of the consultation. [2]
  • The evidence put forward within the consultation is confusing and incomplete, making it impossible for people to make an informed response to the consultation. [3]
  • The consultation document is heavily biased, presenting leading commentary on the economic benefits of Heathrow expansion, and down-playing the effects of the proposed expansion on the climate and on Londoners. [4]

Airfixed! Why the government's consultation on Heathrow is a sham

Posted by jossc — 25 January 2008 at 11:36am - Comments

A Greenpeace volunteer at the Heathrow consultation exhibtion in London

Greenpeace volunteers attended the final Heathrow consultation exhibition today to let the public know that the whole process is a sham - ignoring the threat of climate change in favour of the quick profits to be made from airport expansion.

'Divided consumer attitudes' to climate change mirrored by government

Posted by jossc — 18 January 2008 at 5:45pm - Comments

Earlier this week the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) released a report identifying things the public should be doing to limit climate change. Third on the list is to "avoid unnecessary short-haul flights". Apparently we find this hard to do because of "divided consumer attitudes" - ie, we want to have our cake and eat it.

London mayoral candidates unite against Heathrow expansion

Posted by jossc — 16 January 2008 at 4:44pm - Comments

All four London mayoral candidates are unoted against Heathrow expansion

All four leading candidates for the forthcoming London mayoral election have joined forces to fight Gordon Brown's push for a third runway at Heathrow Airport. Ken Livingstone, Boris Johnson, Brian Paddick and Sian Berry have all agreed to feature in a new anti-expansion advertising campaign launched today. The ad features in the Times, Guardian, Independent and Evening Standard newspapers.

BA reprimanded for lying to its customers

Posted by jossc — 11 January 2008 at 1:01pm - Comments

You may remember that a few weeks ago we ran a story about British Airways emailing the members of its Executive Club (who number in the tens of thousands) asking them to sign a petition supporting the proposed third runway at Heathrow Airport.

In it, BA chairman Willie Walsh made the rather remarkable assertion that the massive increase in traffic wouldn't increase emissions in climate change gases. According to Mr Walsh, the fact that airliners would spend less time queuing for take-off and landing spots would reduce CO2 emissions by 330,000 tonnes a year, a figure which the email implied had been endorsed by the government.

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