
Heathrow expansion: advice on consultation submissions

Posted by jossc — 2 January 2008 at 12:53pm - Comments

The Heathrow expansion consultation is a complete sham and a blatant stitch up from start to finish - it excludes any consideration of the most important issue - climate change - and is essentially a cosmetic exercise to allow the government to implement a decision they have already made with a pretence of having consulted with stakeholders. There are other ways of trying to influence this issue which we feel are far more likely to be effective, and you can find them by visiting our Stop Heathrow Expansion homepage.

A nice bit of schadenfreude in the morning

Posted by bex — 14 December 2007 at 2:47pm - Comments

For environmentalists partial to a mild bit of schadenfreude over their tea and toast, this morning's Today Programme was a treat. You can listen to it here, if you're quick (Fiona and farnishk, I think you'll like John Humphreys' stance).

Environment minister Hilary Benn was invited on to talk about how things have been going in Bali (not so well). As Benn waxed lyrical about the urgent need for action to reduce emissions, Humphreys pulled him up on the yawning gap between the government's rhetoric and reality, what with the government wanting to build new runways and all. Then he pulled him up again. And again. And again. And again. It was a little like listening to a kitten being mauled by a teddy bear.

An email from British Airways

Posted by jamie — 27 November 2007 at 4:06pm - Comments

An email to members of British Airways' Executive ClubThanks to marcus for letting us know about an email that's been sent from British Airways to members of its Executive Club. In it, CEO Willie Walsh appeals to members' sense of loyalty - nay, duty - and asks them to support a third runway at Heathrow. He's even provided an easy online petition to sign - how sweet is that?

He makes no mention of how vital a third runway is supposed to be for the UK economy which is curious, seeing as it's the drum government ministers have been beating recently. Instead, he plays on the drubbing Heathrow's customer service has received in the press by insisting that a third runway will make the "customer experience" that much more comfortable.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Alternative Heathrow consultation gathers pace

Posted by Louise Edge — 26 November 2007 at 1:00am - Comments

Local MP Emily Thornberry lends her support as the airstream tour arrived in Islington

Local MP Emily Thornberry lent her support as the airstream tour arrived in Islington

Today the intrepid airstream crew were in Islington talking to the locals about plans to expand Heathrow airport and increase flights over London by some 70%. The tour is part of our 'alternative' Heathrow expansion consultation.

Heathrow expansion: consultation or collusion?

Posted by jossc — 22 November 2007 at 12:36pm - Comments

Queing up for take-off at Heathrow, Europ's busiest airport

Today the government begins its long-awaited consultation process into the need for a third runway at London's Heathrow Airport. Strangely enough, given Gordon Brown's recent public declarations that tackling climate change is right at the top of his agenda, it's already looking as though Heathrow expansion will be given the go-ahead. But then documents we've been given by Justine Greening MP show just how closely the government has been working with BAA on preparing the consultation.

This move towards a third runway is despite the fact that it will mean a 70 per cent increase in flight numbers and the resulting rise in climate change pollution will be equivalent to the entire annual emissions of Kenya. Worse still, the bulk of the additional 500 flights a day from Europe's busiest airport will be short-haul hops to cities like Paris, Brussels, Edinburgh and Newcastle - all easily reached by rail.

BAA files reveal collusion with Government over Heathrow 3rd runway plans

Last edited 21 November 2007 at 12:19pm
Publication date: 
21 November, 2007

The government is expected to launch its long-awaited consultation on expansion at Heathrow on Thursday 22 November. Airport owners British Airports Authority (BAA) want to build a new runway and a sixth terminal.

Through the Freedom of Information Act Greenpeace has obtained documents which reveal worryingly close links between the airport authority and the Department of Transport, working together to influence the outcome of the consultation:

Download the report:

D-Day for climate policy as Brown faces decision time on coal and runways

Last edited 21 November 2007 at 1:00am
21 November, 2007

Gordon Brown tomorrow faces his first test since pledging to put Britain at the forefront of efforts to combat climate change. A proposal to build the UK's first coal fired power station in over thirty years (1) will land on his desk on the same day his government launches a consultation on expansion at Heathrow airport.

The outcome of Brown's decisions on new coal and new runways will determine whether Britain can meet its long-term global warming targets, which the Prime Minister on Monday suggested would be revised upwards to an 80 per cent cut in emissions by 2050.

Video: saying 'yes' to St Pancras

Posted by bex — 14 November 2007 at 1:23pm - Comments

This morning, we celebrated the opening of the international terminal at St Pancras - and reminded Gordon Brown that there's no need for that third runway at Heathrow.

Here's the video:



Greenpeace climbers say 'yes' to St Pancras

Last edited 14 November 2007 at 10:13am
14 November, 2007

Eurostar action celebrates new rail line, but damns PM for Heathrow plans

Greenpeace climbers dodged police and security guards this morning before scaling the front of St Pancras station and dropping a massive banner emblazoned with the word 'YES!' in three metre high letters.

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