
Greenpeace hosts world premiere of Julien Temple

Last edited 5 October 2000 at 8:00am
5 October, 2000

'The Wind' a remarkable new short film commissioned by Greenpeace and directed by Julien Temple, will receive its world premier at the Greenpeace Business Conference in London today (5 October 2000).

'The Wind' celebrates the massive, but as yet untapped, potential of renewable energy resources in Europe in the 21st Century. It also highlights the very real dangers of climate change and the impact this is already having on people's lives throughout the world.

Incinerators double childhood cancer

Last edited 7 August 2000 at 8:00am

no incineration

Greenpeace climbers languish in Tokyo jail as Japanese government cracks down on peaceful protest

Last edited 11 May 2000 at 8:00am
11 May, 2000
Greenpeace action against toxic waste incineration
Greenpeace action against the world's tallest toxic waste incinerator

Four Greenpeace campaigners face a further ten days in a Tokyo jail after being arrested on Tuesday 9th May for hanging a banner from an incinerator.

Japanese police raid Rainbow Warrior after peaceful protest

Last edited 11 May 2000 at 8:00am
11 May, 2000

The Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior was raided today at 08h10 local time by the Japanese Police. The Japanese authorities were looking for evidence against the four Greenpeace activists arrested on Tuesday after they had climbed the tower of the world's tallest incinerator complex in Toshima Ward, in Tokyo, to demand an end to waste incineration. The police made a demand to search the ship thoroughly, including the computer data, the ship's logbook and the crew's personal belongings.

La Coruna action update

Last edited 14 October 1999 at 8:00am
14 October, 1999

La Coruna, 14 October 1999 - After spending the night at the Headquarters' prison of the Guardia Civil of Coruna, the Greenpeace volunteers arrested yesterday after a non-violent action against the Sogama Incinerator Plant were brought into Coruna's Court in order to testify.

Among the 20 arrested are campaigners from Madrid, Galicia, the British captain of the MV Greenpeace and most of its international crew. All of them participated yesterday in the peaceful blockade of the construction of an incineration plant the Government of Galicia is building in Cerceda.

Greenpeace blocks incinerator in La Coruna

Last edited 13 October 1999 at 8:00am
13 October, 1999

La Coruna, Spain, 13 October 1999 - Greenpeace activists today blocked both gates to the Sogama incinerator under construction in Spain. If finished the incinerator would be the largest in Spain and a new source of dioxin.

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