
The Environmental Trust: As a pollutant, waste demands controls

Last edited 7 February 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
7 February, 2002

As an embodiment of accumulated energy and materials it invites an alternative.
(The whole file is 1mb; the report is broken down below for easier download)

Download the report:


Last edited 21 January 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
21 January, 2002

Alan Watson BSc (Hons) C.Eng

This report presents objections on behalf of Greenpeace UK following an initial review of an application for a 225,000 tpa 'Energy Recovery Facility' (a 'mass burn' incinerator) made by Terence O'Rourke PLC as agents for Sheffield Environmental Services Ltd a subsidiary company of Onyx.

Download the report:

Greenpeace volunteers plead not guilty to charges over Sheffield incinerator occupation

Last edited 6 December 2001 at 9:00am
6 December, 2001
Sheffield incinerator: the chimney in capped
Sheffield incinerator: the capped chimney

Three Greenpeace volunteers today (6/12/01) pleaded not guilty to charges of criminal damage in connection with the occupation of Sheffield waste incinerator in May. Their case was directed to Crown Court for trial.

The sustainable solution to our waste crisis

Last edited 29 November 2001 at 9:00am
Sheffield incinerator: toxic crime

Sheffield incinerator: toxic crime

The Incinerator Buster campaign

Last edited 29 November 2001 at 9:00am
Incineration: Zero Waste campaign logo

Incinerator Busters come in all shapes and sizes from all corners of the UK. They are united in the knowledge that burning rubbish is not the way to deal with household waste. They are the people taking on councils and MPs, demanding an end to all rubbish burning and a revolution in the way we deal with waste.

The cornerstone of their work is Getting to Zero Waste: A Citizen's Resource Recovery Strategy, a document produced in consultation with internationally renowned waste experts. It proves that county and district councils can meet recycling and landfill diversion targets without incineration. The citizen's strategy mirrors the appearance and general content of the waste strategies that each local authority must complete. The main difference, of course, is that the citizen's strategy, like the Greenpeace report How to comply with the Landfill Directive without incineration, shows how to meet targets without incineration.

Greenpeace provides the answer to waste crisis

Last edited 29 November 2001 at 9:00am
29 November, 2001

Greenpeace tells local authorities 'no need to build incinerators'

International environment group Greenpeace has produced a guide for UK local authorities, which explains how to deal with the mounting national waste crisis without resorting to unpopular and polluting waste incinerators.

Greenpeace tells waste summit that incinerating rubbish has no future

Last edited 21 November 2001 at 9:00am
21 November, 2001

Greenpeace will argue for an immediate ban on new waste incinerators at the Government's 'Waste Summit', held today (21/11/01) in London. The environment group will present a policy aimed at achieving maximum possible reductions in the disposal of municipal waste and propose a new way forward in waste management involving waste reduction, re-use, recycling and composting.

Incinerator buster's tool kit

Last edited 20 November 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
20 November, 2001

The Incinerator Buster tool kit includes everything you need to oppose a proposal to build an incinerator in your area. The download is a zip file, inlcuding a pdf version with directions for filling in the template document and an editable word template. Use this template to create a peoples waste strategy for your area.

Alternatively you can download separate elements of the toolkit:

Download the report:

A Citizens' Resource Recovery Strategy

Last edited 9 November 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
9 October, 2001

Sample document for campaigning

Download the report:

How to comply with the landfill directive without incineration: A Greenpeace blueprint

Last edited 9 November 2001 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
9 November, 2001

This report details a practical strategy which local authorities can use to achieve maximum recycling rates and safely deal with residual waste. Reviewed and endorsed as practical and entirely achievable by Biffa Waste, the report illustrates possible options with examples of techniques and technology from around the world as well as in the UK. 

Download the report: