
Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Video: Fox News takes the tissue paper test

Posted by jamie — 6 March 2009 at 2:09pm - Comments

Fox News is a strange beast which is at once both wonderfully entertaining and deeply, deeply disturbing. Here in the UK, we're insulated from its 'Day Today gone real' presence (although I'm not so smugly parochial that I haven't noticed our own TV news drifting in a similar direction) and if it weren't for the wonder of YouTube, we might not see it at all.

So a big thumbs up to Rolf Skar from Greenpeace USA who gave an interview this week about the new tissue paper guide they've recently released. The two newscasters get to do a tissue texture test (recycled comes out good), and Rolf valiantly presses on when one says she finds recycled toilet paper "really hard and scratchy". But there are creams you can get for that.

The Boreal Forest of North America

Last edited 25 July 2007 at 12:46pm

The moon rising over an Alaskan forest

Update: May 2010 saw the launch of a historic accord, the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement, which brings together 9 environmental groups, including Greenpeace and 21 of the largest logging companies in Canada. The agreement is the first step towards conservation planning for 70 million hectares of Boreal wilderness. It marks the suspension of boycott campaigns directed at AbitibiBowater, Kruger and other members of the Forest Products Association of Canada. Read more »

Stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic, the Boreal Forest of North America is a colossal expanse of temperate rainforest covering some 5.6 million km2 and accounts for 28 per cent of the remaining intact forest on the planet.

Let it out for forest destruction

Posted by jamie — 27 March 2007 at 5:57pm - Comments

It's an absolute gift when companies who are being less than kind to the environment have an advertising campaign that, with a few tweaks, can be subverted to expose their dodgy deeds. Such a treat came in the form of the Kleenex 'Let It Out' adverts that have been showing in various countries (here's an example for those who haven't seen it) and the guys in the US and Canada running the Kleercut campaign jumped on it.

Kimberly-Clark and Kleenex - wiping away the world's ancient forests

Posted by admin — 1 November 2005 at 9:00am - Comments

This forest has been clearcut to produce Kimberly Clark toilet and tissue paper products even though recycled alternatives exist

Kleenex, one of the most well known brands of tissue products in the world, is helping to destroy the world's remaining ancient forests.

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