
Action by British companies protects Canada's Great Bear Rainforest

Last edited 25 April 2001 at 8:00am
25 April, 2001

Greenpeace today applauded the Government of British Columbia (BC) for agreeing to take significant steps to protect the Great Bear Rainforest. Located on the west coast of Canada, this ancient rainforest is one of the world's natural treasures.

Government sets precedent in saving Canada

Last edited 5 April 2001 at 8:00am
5 April, 2001

Greenpeace today applauded the Government of British Columbia (B.C.) for endorsing a proposal by Greenpeace, other NGOs, logging companies and other stakeholders to protect 20 critical pristine valleys in Canada's Great Bear Rainforest. The government also endorsed a major reform that would end destructive logging practises in this globally threatened forest.

Historic milestone reached in protecting Canada's Great Bear Rainforest

Last edited 2 April 2001 at 8:00am
2 April, 2001

Greenpeace announced today that an historic agreement with logging companies has been reached on the conservation of Canada's remaining coastal rainforest. The consensus recommendations have been forwarded to the Government of British Columbia for its approval (1). This follows an intense global campaign by the international organisation targeting the trade and investments of companies involved with logging the endangered Great Bear Rainforest.

French commandos arrest Greenpeace activists in Honfleur

Last edited 8 August 2000 at 8:00am
8 August, 2000

Honfleur, France/Amsterdam, 29 July - Six Greenpeace activists preventing the offloading of criminal Amazon timber from two multinational companies, Lepeyre and WTK, wre arrested by the French special police in the port of Honfleur in France this morning. Despite the removal of the activists, the Aquitania was unable to prolong its stay in the port, and was forced to leave Honfleur without offloading its criminal cargo.

Blair leads global efforts to tackle illegal timber

Last edited 28 July 2000 at 8:00am
28 July, 2000

Government set to shun dodgy forest products

The Government announced today a major change in policy over the official procurement of timber and a crackdown against the use of illegaly obtained wood in Government projects. The policy shift comes after sustained pressure from environmentalists including direct action by Greenpeace throughout Europe, the USA and Japan over the past six weeks and at the G8 Summit in Okinawa.

Greenpeace delivers criminal logs from ancient forest to the leaders of the G-8

Last edited 21 July 2000 at 8:00am
21 July, 2000

Okinawa, 21 July 2000. The Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior attempted to deliver 8 logs from Russian forests today to G-8 leaders to highlight the elevated rate of illegal and destructive logging that continues to occur throughout the world's last remaining ancient forests. The logs of oak and ash are from Russia's Primorsky region where according to regional government statistics 80% of logging is illegal.

Greenpeace activists occupy ship carrying Amazon wood from Japanese rainforest destroyer

Last edited 11 July 2000 at 8:00am
11 July, 2000

Today in Kobe Harbour, Japan, four Greenpeace activists from the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior boarded and occupied the ship 'Manzanillo'. The ship is carrying 11 containers of plywood from the Amazon rainforest exported by the Japanese wood-products giant Eidai Inc. The activists raised banners in Japanese and English saying "Eidai, don't buy illegally logged timber", and "G-8: Stop Illegal logging."

Response to Panels and Timber Foundation (PTF) statement on Amaplac Brazilian plywood

Last edited 11 July 2000 at 8:00am
11 July, 2000

Greenpeace has written to timber company WTK and its subsidiary Amaplac expressing serious concern over the company's failure to recognize their involvement in the illegal timber trade in the Brazilian Amazon.

The letter from Greenpeace was responding to claims by Amaplac that it has 'nevr purchased from unauthorised and illegal logging operations' (PTF release 5th July). This is clearly not correct. From 1998 to 1999, five of Amaplac's seven third party suppliers were fined for dealing in illegal timber and Amaplac itself has been fined three times.

Greenpeace activists release Russian timber ship and vow to take protest to G8 Ministers

Last edited 6 July 2000 at 8:00am
6 July, 2000

July 5, Toyama, Japan. Following three days of dramatic high - seas actions and an overnight occupation of a ship laden with Russian logs, six Greenpeace activists decided to relase their chains and return to their action ship, the Rainbow Warrior. The activists stated that they had succeeded in pointing a spotlight on an ignored international crisis and were now going to take their protest to a higher level - the Ministers and Heads of State of the G8 countries.

Greenpeace brands criminal Amazon Rainforest timber in Denmark

Last edited 4 July 2000 at 8:00am
4 July, 2000

Tuesday 4 June. Eight Greenpeace activists entered Aarhus harbour to reveal the import of 112 pallets of Amazonian plywood to Denmark. The activists stamped the plywood with a message 'Protect the Amazon - Stop Criminal Timber Imports' to highlight the fact that Denmark imports Amazonian wood from companies involved in illegal logging.

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