
Timber branded as criminal - an activists' account

Last edited 3 July 2000 at 8:00am

Illegally logged timber is branded by volunteers as it arrives in UK docks

Illegally logged timber is branded by volunteers as it arrives in UK docks

Greenpeace volunteers invade Tilbury Docks to brand rainforest timber as criminal

Last edited 3 July 2000 at 8:00am
3 July, 2000

At 5.20am this morning 30 Greenpeace volunteers entered London's Tilbury Docks and painted a warning for UK buyers on pallets of criminal timber from the Amazon rainforest.

The Amazonian plywood came from the MV Enif, which Greenpeace volunteers occupied for more than 75 hours a fortnight ago, to prevent it unloading at Tilbury Docks.

Greenpeace stops criminal Amazon timber shipment for second time

Last edited 27 June 2000 at 8:00am
27 June, 2000

27 June 4am, Final Outcome. At 4am the German police removed the last climber from the MV Enif. No arrests were made and everyone was released.
The seven 40ft containers (112 pallets) of Amaplac plywood are not destined for the German market and is due to be transporte to a small town in Denmark.

Hamburg 26 June 2000 - Greenpeace volunteers have for the second time stopped a shipment of Amazon timber on board the MV Enif.

Volunteers arrested as Greenpeace ship is boarded by police in Tilbury, London.

Last edited 23 June 2000 at 8:00am
23 June, 2000

Greenpeace climbers pass 72 hour landmark in vigil on criminal timber ship

Three Greenpeace volunteers were arrested today when police boarded the Greenpeace vessel Beluga as it lay alongside the criminal timber ship MV Enif. Ironically, one volunteer was arrested for criminal damage for daubing a small amount of white paint on the side of the MV Enif despite the fact that the ship contains 1700 tonnes of criminal timber from the Amazon. Greenpeace was attempting to rename the ship 'Amazon Crime'

48 hours into occupation - Greenpeace volunteers continue to stop criminal timber imports from Amazon entering London docks

Last edited 22 June 2000 at 8:00am
22 June, 2000

Four Greenpace volunteers today began their second day of occupatio of the MV ENif to prevent it from unloading its cargo of criminal timber from the Amazon rainforest at London's Tilbury docks. The volunteers who have spent over 48 hours on top of the ship's crane, are demanding that the cargo of rainforest plywood is returned to the Amazon and donated to local communities from the areas where it was logged.

24 hours into occupation - Greenpeace volunteers continue to stop criminal timber imports from amazon entering London Docks

Last edited 21 June 2000 at 8:00am
21 June, 2000

Six Greenpeace volunteers today began their second day of occupation of the MV Enif to prevent it from unloading its cargo of criminal timber from the Amazon rainforest at London's Tilbury docks. The volunteers, who have been in action since 11.30 am Tuesday, are demanding that the cargo of rainforest plywood is returned to the Amazon and donated to local communities from the areas where it was logged.

Greenpeace targets French retail giant Lapeyre for their tole in ancient forest destruction

Last edited 13 June 2000 at 8:00am


Greenpeace launches new Lapeyre catalogue of ancient forest destruction

Last edited 18 May 2000 at 8:00am
18 May, 2000

Greenpeace today intensified its campaign to put an end to Lapeyre's role in ancient forest destruction. The executive director of Greenpeace France, Bruno Rebelle, attended the annual shareholders meeting of the French home improvement company and questioned Lapeyre's board members about the company's part in destroying the Amazon forest as well as its overall timber purchasing policies from destructive logging operations in ancient forest regions.

Greenpeace exposes illegal logging in the Amazon

Last edited 18 May 2000 at 8:00am
18 May, 2000

Greenpeace is today towing a raft of 116 illegal logs from a remote location on the Jurua River in Brazil's Amazonas State at the request of Brazil's Environmental Agency, IBAMA. Now bound for the Villages of Carauari, the logs were first discovered during a routine flight of Greenpeace's Cessna aircraft on Monday, May 8th. The following day Greenpeace activists attempted to relocate the raft, but it had disappeared. It was later found hidden in a small tributary of the Jurua River and turned over to IBAMA.

Amazon Guardian begins Amazon tour in Manaus

Last edited 29 March 2000 at 9:00am
29 March, 2000

Manaus, Brazil 22 March 2000 - Greenpeace announced this morning, aboard its new vessel, the Amazon Guardian, the beginning of a four-month tour through the various rivers of the Amazonas and Para States to denounce illegal logging in this Amazon region. Next week, the boat will head to the Purus and Jurua rivers. "The Amazon Guardian will broaden our capability to investigate and collect data about the Amazon reality." said Paulo Adario, Greenpeace's Amazon campaigner in Manaus.