
World's highest tree occupation to stop logging

Last edited 12 November 2003 at 9:00am
12 November, 2003

Hobart, Tasmania, 12 November 2003: A Tasmanian forest has today seen the start of the world's highest tree occupation. A 65 metre high treehouse is being occupied by activists from around the world in an effort to prevent the world's tallest hardwood trees being logged for woodchip. Organisers at Greenpeace have dubbed the treehouse a Global Rescue Station.

Travis Perkins' stores targeted by Greenpeace over trade in illegal Indonesian timber

Last edited 14 June 2003 at 8:00am
14 June, 2003
Barito Pacific plywood and doors from Indonesia can still be found in Travis Perkins' UK stores

Barito Pacific plywood and doors from Indonesia can still be found in Travis Perkins' UK stores

Greenpeace today welcomed an announcement by timber merchants Jewson that they will cease importing Indonesian rainforest plywood by the end of this year (1).

SOS Brazilian Mahogany Action Alert!

Last edited 21 October 2002 at 8:00am
Illegal mahogany trade

Illegal mahogany trade

Mahogany oozes glamour and prestige in the gleaming showrooms of the north. One log can earn an astonishing US$ 130,000, sold as a solid mahogany dining table in a high-class store such as Harrods of London. But most mahogany comes from the Amazon rainforest

Cabinet Office investigation vindicates Greenpeace action

Last edited 11 July 2002 at 8:00am
11 July, 2002

Greenpeace today welcomes the findings of the Cabinet Office investigation into the timber procurement for 22 Whitehall and welcomes the Cabinet Office commitment to fall in line with Government timber procurement policy to use only legal and sustainable timber products.

The Queens Gallery, Buckingham Palace: fuelling the destruction of the

Last edited 5 June 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Forest crime files

Download the report:

Buckingham palace fuels destruction of world's last rainforests

Last edited 5 June 2002 at 8:00am
5 June, 2002

Following a Greenpeace investigation, the environmental organisation today urged the Royal Family to launch an enquiry over "green" procurement guidelines for their buildings. The call follows revelations that the Queens Gallery in Buckingham Palace, re-opened as part of the Jubilee celebrations, has been renovated with wood from Africa's last remaining rainforests and the Brazilian Amazon.

Greenpeace takes government to high court over "illegal" timber imports

Last edited 29 May 2002 at 8:00am
29 May, 2002

Help to stop the trade in illegal mahogany

The Government goes to the High Court at 10.30am tomorrow, Thursday 30th May to defend itself against a legal challenge by Greenpeace over its failure to prevent illegal mahogany from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest being imported into the UK (1). 

The court case is the latest development in Greenpeace's campaign to end imports of illegally and destructively logged timber into the UK from the world's last remaining ancient forests. Currently around 60% of Britain's imports of tropical rainforest wood come from illegal sources.

Receiving stolen goods

Last edited 26 February 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
27 February, 2002

The UK Government turns a blind eye to illegal Brazilian mahogany shipments

Download the report:


Last edited 19 February 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
30 September, 2001

A last chance to save the world's ancient forests

Download the report:

UK Amazon action

Last edited 29 October 2001 at 9:00am

UK Amazon action

Tilbury  Docks - Greenpeace activists brand illegally logged timber

Greenpeace volunteers board ship to stop criminal timber imports and protect the Amazon rainforest