
Greenpeace, DDT and malaria

Last edited 4 November 2010 at 3:44pm

A child protected by a mosquito net in the Amazon

The Channel 4 film claims environmentalists were responsible for a ban on DDT, which led to the death of millions from malaria. But DDT was never banned for use as a malaria preventative.

Kyoto saved: not yet the planet

Posted by bex — 22 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments


The Russian parliament voted to ratify the Kyoto Protocol today in a blow to George W Bush's opposition to action on climate change.

Kyoto coming to force is a geopolitical ground shift. Russian ratification pushes this global climate protection agreement over the threshold required to become international law.

Kyoto saved: not yet the planet

Posted by bex — 22 October 2004 at 8:00am - Comments


The Russian parliament voted to ratify the Kyoto Protocol today in a blow to George W Bush's opposition to action on climate change.

Kyoto coming to force is a geopolitical ground shift. Russian ratification pushes this global climate protection agreement over the threshold required to become international law.

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