malcolm wicks

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Greenpeace blockades government / coal industry love-in

Posted by bex — 6 February 2008 at 9:33am - Comments

Coal UK: cancelled due to climate change

Coal UK: cancelled due to climate change

This morning, energy minister Malcolm Wicks made his way to Lord's Cricket ground in London to deliver the opening speech for the coal industry's annual shindig.

He was expecting, we assume, to evangelise on the glorious future of coal in the UK, to the rapt and thunderous applause of his chums in the industry.

He probably wasn't expecting to find two metre fences blocking four of the entrances to the industry-government love-in, complete with climate change campaigners chained to the barricades.

Howzat! Greenpeace blockades Lord's

Last edited 6 February 2008 at 9:30am
6 February, 2008

Home of cricket blockaded to halt coal conference

Climate change campaigners today attempted to shut down the home of cricket and halt the annual UK coal conference due to be attended by Gordon Brown's government.

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