
Nestlé: Indonesian president praises Greenpeace for criticising forest policy

Posted by jamie — 9 April 2010 at 1:54pm - Comments

Greenpeace volunteers monkey around outside Nestlé's headquarters in Jakarta © Abyan/Greenpeace

It's three weeks since we launched our Nestlé campaign and, thanks to the fantastic support we've received, it's going from strength to strength. Nestlé's Facebook page is still dominated by questions about where the company gets its palm oil from. It seems that every attempt by their admins to change topic is another opportunity to turn the conversation back to deforestation linked to palm oil and other ethically questionable practices. Meanwhile, our our Kit Kat video has sailed past an incredible 1.1m views.

But what's going on in Indonesia? After all, that's where the forests we're trying to protect are located. Well, the work our Indonesian team are doing is somewhat different. Rather than focusing mainly on a large consumer company, they're tackling suppliers directly, and challenging the government of Indonesia about deforestation.

The email updates coming from our colleagues in Jakarta show that we're having an effect in political circles.

How Nestlé's palm oil problem spread across the internet

Posted by jamie — 25 March 2010 at 12:50pm - Comments

Scott Douglas has created this engrossing presentation to highlight the key stages in our Nestlé campaign, and the impact it's had on Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere. Thanks to the whizzy graphics it's not as deathly dull as it sounds, and very interesting are the figures on the reach of the campaign so far, or how many people have seen messages about it.

Press the play button to start and move to the next slide, and it might look more impressive on the Prezi site.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Nestlé Facebook crash while the forests still burn

Posted by jamie — 22 March 2010 at 4:12pm - Comments

When we plan campaigns, we often have a reasonable idea of how much interest they'll get. Some are designed to speak to a small, specific audience who are in the right place to get things done, while others are broader in appeal. Our Nestle campaign certainly fell into the second category but never once did I think we'd see the level of response witnessed over the last few days. As one of our campaigners said last week, we're beyond wildest dreams territory.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

'Banned' Kit Kat video struck down, becomes more powerful

Posted by jamie — 18 March 2010 at 1:31pm - Comments

Where to begin?

There's been so much going here over the last 18 hours that I've only now found the time to write an update. Since the last post here, the Kit Kat video which was pulled from Youtube (following a complaint from Nestlé about copyright infringement) was resurrected on Vimeo and has been racking up views like there's no tomorrow - 78,500 as of this moment. Not the shrewdest move Nestlé could have made, and I liked how Canada's Globe & Mail referred to it as "a global game of whack-a-mole".

Didn't Obi-Wan Kenobi say something about being struck down and coming back more powerful than before?

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Quick response from Nestle, but not much to report

Posted by jamie — 17 March 2010 at 4:57pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace

You have to hand it to Nestle - they're quick off the mark when it comes to launching a PR offensive, and with orang-utans hanging around (and sometimes off) their premises around the UK and Europe, they've released a statement saying they're dropping contracts with one of the worst palm oil suppliers, Sinar Mas. However, there's a lot they're not talking about and would probably prefer not to talk about.

Where, for instance, is their commitment to cutting out Sinar Mas completely from their supply chain? They may now be cancelling direct contracts with forest trasher Sinar Mas, but SM palm oil will still end up in Nestle factories. Nestle also buys palm oil from third party suppliers like Cargill, and Sinar Mas palm oil still flows through their pipes. Until Nestle can guarantee that none of its other suppliers are buying from Sinar Mas, we're still on.

And there's no mention of their dealings with Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), one Sinar Mas' many subsidiaries. Their pulp and paper for instance, which is used in things like packaging, is also grown in areas of destroyed rainforest, and Nestle have been less than forthcoming about their relationship with APP. Categorical denials of any dealings with APP have suddenly today been replaced with a commitment to an investigation of their supply chain.

So, full marks for being quick off the PR block, but very few points for effort. In the meantime, enjoy our own Kit Kat advert and write to Nestle's CEO to demand a better response. And follow the fun we're having on Twitter.

Update: A few of the eagle-eyed among you spotted an error in the above. I’d said there was no mention of the Sinar Mas subsidiary APP in Nestlé's new statement yesterday, but there was - a claim that they are not buying from this company. However, at the same time as sending us this statement, Nestlé told us in private that they are "investigating" links to APP through their supply chain.

So it was right that company has been less than forthcoming about their relations with APP, but amid the excitement of yesterday, I missed the claim on this issue in Nestlé's statement - sorry for that!

Nestlé and palm oil: the chain of destruction

Posted by jamie — 17 March 2010 at 9:01am - Comments

Nestle, the makers of Kit Kat, are using palm oil from areas of destroyed rainforest, despite being aware that one of their suppliers, Sinar Mas, has a track record of appalling environmental and social practices.

The chain of destruction stretches right around the world, from the forests of Indonesia to the shops and supermarkets of Europe. Watch the animation to find out just where the ingredients for your favourite chocolate bars like Kit Kat come from.


Kit Kat: give the orang-utan a break

Posted by jamie — 17 March 2010 at 8:48am - Comments

Email Nestlé's CEO Paul Bulcke to demand they stop using palm oil from trashed rainforests

We all like a break, but the orang-utans of Indonesia don't seem to be able to get one. We have new evidence which shows that Nestlé - the makers of Kit Kat - are using palm oil produced in areas where the orang-utans' rainforests once grew. Even worse, the company doesn't seem to care.

So the Greenpeace orang-utans have been despatched to Nestlé head offices in Croydon to let employees know the environmental crimes their company is implicated in, and begin an international campaign to have Nestlé give us all a break.

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