
Greenpeace report reveals plastic footprint of world’s largest soft drinks companies

Last edited 15 March 2017 at 7:04am
14 March, 2017

Greenpeace UK has conducted the first ever comprehensive survey of the plastic footprints and policies of the top six global soft drinks brands: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Suntory, Danone, Dr Pepper Snapple and Nestlé.

Despite plastic bottles forming a major source of ocean plastic pollution, the survey results reveal a woeful lack of action by the soft drinks industry to prevent their plastic bottles ending up in our oceans. 

“The results are jaw-dropping,” said Louise Edge, senior oceans campaigner at Greenpeace UK. “It’s clear that if we’re going to protect our oceans we need to end the age of throwaway plastic. These companies need to take drastic action now.”

Key findings:

Cheap seafood costs too much in human suffering

Posted by Willie — 14 December 2015 at 1:09pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Dita Alangkara/Associated Press
Children and teenagers sit together to be registered by officials during a raid on a shrimp shed in Samut Sakhon, Thailand.

About 8 years ago, I had the joy of doing a live news interview from a fish processing factory in Grimsby. Being in a fish processing factory in Grimsby was fine, it was wearing a hair net on national TV that wasn’t.

The story being discussed was seafood brand Young’s decision to ship UK-caught shrimp all the way to Thailand and back, a move that was ‘better’ in terms of CO2 emissions, and cheaper for consumers.

But what price do we pay for cheap seafood?

Nestle speaks out on human rights abuses in Thai seafood supply chain

Last edited 26 November 2015 at 4:25pm
26 November, 2015

In response to Nestle’s recent report which found evidence of human rights abuses and forced labour in its Thai seafood supply chains, Greenpeace’s Oceans Campaigner, Ariana Densham, said:

“Nestle is to be commended for taking the pretty remarkable step of speaking out publicly on labour and human rights abuses in its own seafood supply chain in Thailand.

VW film competition: classic Greenpeace films - Nestle

Posted by Richardg — 19 August 2011 at 11:15am - Comments

Picture the scene: you're revving up to enter our Volkswagen film competition, to expose its dirty lobbying against strong climate change laws. But you need some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing. So how about reviewing some of our classic films for campaigns gone by?

After last week's ancient forests epic, we’re sticking with the forests theme with Give The Orang-utan A Break.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Man chews orang-utan finger, wins short film award

Posted by jamie — 22 November 2010 at 5:24pm - Comments

Some great news to start the week - the spoof KitKat video we made to protest Nestlé's use of palm oil has won an award. Our German colleagues entered it into the viral video strand of the 26th Berlin International Short Film Festival, and it scooped Best Viral! Thanks to everyone who watched, shared and took action off the back of this video - its success is down to you.

Nestlé has, of course, since taken steps to divest its supply chain of palm oil and paper products from Sinar Mas and so has joined the growing ranks of companies who refuse to do business with a group which is wantonly destroying Indonesia's rainforests.

So while the message of this video is no longer applicable, we're still chuffed to have won the award. And it was damn good fun to make.

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