
Greenpeace response to Obama's defence of Shell

Last edited 15 May 2015 at 3:22pm
15 May, 2015

In response to President Obama’s statement this afternoon in defence of Shell’s Arctic drilling, Greenpeace spokesperson Travis Nichols said:

Greenpeace reaction: Shell Arctic drilling contractor guilty of felony safety offences

Last edited 9 December 2014 at 10:59am
9 December, 2014

Last night the operator of Shell’s two Arctic drilling rigs employed in 2012, pleaded guilty to eight felony charges for environmental and safety violations during that operation. Noble Drilling has agreed to pay $12.2 million dollars in fines and community service payments.

Read the US Department of Justice release.

In response, Greenpeace Arctic campaigner, Ian Duff, issued the following statement:

What's Shell got to celebrate?

Posted by Richardg — 5 March 2013 at 7:10pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Rezac/Greenpeace
According to Shell's CEO in Alaska, #SpillsHappen

We've gatecrashed Shell's swanky party at the National Gallery (for the second year running). This time, we've helped Shell launch a new art exhibit, Annus Horribilis: New works in oil. Shell may have put its Arctic ambitions on hold but we won't stop until the frozen North is put out of their reach.

Reduce nuclear arms, set an example

Posted by jossc — 22 March 2010 at 4:38pm - Comments

Sandra Butcher, senior program coordinator, international secretariat, Pugwash. This article first appeared in Comment is Free on Monday 22 March.


Gordon Brown told the Foreign Press Association in London on Friday that he would highlight the upcoming "moments of opportunity and challenge". He said we "must now urgently do more to build upon that brief moment of collective international will", and he reminded us that "global problems need global solutions".

Despite this rhetoric, and earlier UK statements promoting the ultimate goal of a nuclear weapons-free world, in reality Brown's comments on nuclear weapons were tepid, sadly leaving him in some ways behind the Tory party lines as discussed by shadow foreign minister David Lidington last week at the Royal Society. There was certainly no sign that Brown intends to encourage his government to show transformative leadership in this area.

An open letter to Barack Obama on the eve of his arrival at the Climate Summit

Posted by admin — 16 December 2009 at 6:35pm - Comments

Dear Mr President,

Now is the time to give hope more than a voice. As you depart for the UN Climate Summit in Copenhagen, I feel compelled to express my hope and desire for the role you will play when you join the other heads of state in reaching an agreement to avert catastrophic climate change: the role you must play in keeping hope alive for many millions of people around the world. 

My Name is Kumi Naidoo, I am the International Executive Director of Greenpeace, I am also chair the Global Coalition for Climate Action (www.tcktcktck.org) and serve as a co-chair of the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (www.whiteband.org). But, most of all, like you, I am a global citizen. I am also a child of Africa.

US is a dead weight on Copenhagen talks, pulling down ambition ever lower

Posted by jossc — 18 November 2009 at 6:46pm - Comments

This article by Greenpeace climate campaigner Joss Garman (above) first appeared in yesterday's Guardian.

In his inaugural address, President Obama promised to "work tirelessly to … roll back the spectre of a warming planet", and to "restore science to its rightful place", adding: "Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions – that time has surely passed."

You wouldn't know it from reading the Guardian this morning. Instead of sensing the spirit of "yes we can", you feel the familiar muscle of America's Big Carbon special interests. For months, US officials have been dampening expectations and lowering the bar on which climate measures could be expected from the new administration. This culminated yesterday in Obama signalling that he wants to delay a formal global climate agreement until next year at the earliest, rejecting the advice of his own science adviser, John Holdren.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Bringing solar power to Mama Obama

Posted by jossc — 2 September 2009 at 2:58pm - Comments

Barack Obama's grandmother now has solar panels on the roof of her home in Kenya, courtesy of Greenpeace.

Greenpeace Solar Generation Activists and local youth organisers installed the panels on "Mama Sara's" home, and also put panels on the Senator Barack Obama School in Kogelo.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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