Solar Power

New petition: The government must urgently rethink plans to hike taxes on UK solar

Posted by Richard Casson — 15 December 2016 at 2:09pm - Comments
Solar panel being carried by worker
by-nc. Credit: Greenpeace / Jonas Scheu

This morning I sent an email to Greenpeace's email list, explaining how the government is due to introduce huge tax hikes that could have a devastating impact on the UK solar industry. Here's the email below in case you missed it, and a link to the petition you can sign to push back.

London elections: 3 ideas for the next mayor

Posted by Rosie Rogers — 3 March 2016 at 11:16am - Comments
by-sa. Credit:

In just over two months, Londoners will have voted for a new mayor to replace Boris Johnson. But have you wondered – what can the new mayor do to take on the big environmental issues facing the UK’s capital city?

Beyond fracking, from Balcombe to Lancashire

Posted by LiamBB — 10 July 2015 at 8:50am - Comments
by-nc. Credit: 10:10UK
RepowerBalcombe members launch their solar coop

Guest blog: Joe Nixon explains how his town, Balcombe in West Sussex, turned the threat of fracking into an opportunity for renewable energy.

Balls well that ends well

Posted by kcumming — 26 November 2012 at 2:28pm - Comments
John Sauven and Ed Balls at Eclipse Energy
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Morgan / Greenpeace
left to right: Eclipse Managing Director Chris Cash, Ed Balls and John Sauven

Friday was a brave day for Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls to hug a solar panel. Britain had awoken to the - albeit sensationalist and misleading - headline news that households could be paying £170 a year by 2020 to fund renewable energy projects. (The reality being nearly half that cost and overall savings if we get our act together on energy efficiency). But Ed Balls, MP for Morley and Outwood, pulled up to renewable installation company Eclipse Energy in Leeds enthusiastic, engaged and ready to – literally - embrace clean energy.

"Greenest Government" halves solar subsidies

Posted by petespeller — 31 October 2011 at 2:00pm - Comments
Solar power station in Spain
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Markel Redondo
Solar power station in Spain

The self-styled "greenest government ever" has cut feed-in-tariffs for solar power by half, doubling the length of time it will take homeowners to receive payback and risking thousands of jobs in a growing industry in manufacturing and installing solar panels.

Bringing solar power to Mama Obama

Posted by jossc — 2 September 2009 at 2:58pm - Comments

Barack Obama's grandmother now has solar panels on the roof of her home in Kenya, courtesy of Greenpeace.

Greenpeace Solar Generation Activists and local youth organisers installed the panels on "Mama Sara's" home, and also put panels on the Senator Barack Obama School in Kogelo.

May 2009 - the month in pictures

Posted by jossc — 12 June 2009 at 4:36pm - Comments

May's round up of images from around the Greenpeace world come from as far afield as Australia, where activists shut down a giant digger at the most polluting power station in the developed world; India, where we've been installing solar panels in schools; and Thailand, where volunteers canoed 350km to document the toxic damage being done to the Chao Praya, the country's most iconic river.

BP wins coveted 'Emerald Paintbrush' award for worst greenwash of 2008

Posted by jossc — 22 December 2008 at 10:23am - Comments

BP - energy mix or PR fix?

The tension built as the judges deliberated. Then at last the results were were all in and - ta-da! It was time to announce the winner of the first annual Greenpeace 'Emerald Paintbrush' award for greenwashing above and beyond the call of duty. Cue a quick roll on the drums, and step forward into the spotlight - BP!

The energy corporation with an income larger than most of the world's nation states has spent a lot of time and money restyling itself as being 'Beyond Petroleum' in recent years, but a trawl through their accounts quickly reveals just how empty that assertion really is - 'Back to Petroleum', more like it.

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