
'13 steps' to a nuclear-free future

Last edited 27 April 2004 at 8:00am
An army guard

An army guard at Fylingdales in Yorkshire

Diplomats from around the world have gathered for an international nuclear weapons control conference. The meeting will test the international community's resolve on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

Scaling new heights to call for the truth

Last edited 20 March 2004 at 9:00am
Activists scaled Big Ben to protest the war in Iraq

Bong! Volunteers scale Big Ben to protest against the war in Iraq

Time for the truth as Greenpeace volunteers scale Big Ben

Last edited 20 March 2004 at 9:00am
20 March, 2004

A team of Greenpeace climbers has scaled Big Ben and held a banner, reading 'TIME FOR THE TRUTH' beneath the clock face.

At around 6.30am on the first anniversary of the US-lead invasion of Iraq two volunteers climbed over two fences separating Westminster Bridge from the Houses of Parliament. Free-climbing using specialist equipment that ensured there was no damage to the structure, it took one hour for the Greenpeace team to reach the famous clock face.

Speaking from Parliament Square, Greenpeace Executive Director Stephen Tindale said,

Judgement day for the Marchwood 14

Last edited 16 March 2004 at 9:00am
On the way to hear the verdict in the Marchwood 13 trial

Volunteers entering the Southampton Magistrates Court

Greenpeace anti-war protesters convicted - vow to appeal

Last edited 16 March 2004 at 9:00am
16 March, 2004

Judges' refusal to release Attorney-General's full advice means trial was 'unfair'

Fourteen Greenpeace volunteers who sought the Attorney-General's full advice on the Iraq war today vowed to appeal after a court convicted them on charges of aggravated trespass and criminal damage.

No reason to prosecute, court told

Last edited 12 March 2004 at 9:00am

Greenpeace activist boards the Magdelana Green to prevent it from leaving for the Gulf

Greenpeace activist boards the Magdelana Green to prevent it from leaving for the Gulf

'Marchwood 14' continue to give evidence for actions to stop war

Last edited 12 March 2004 at 9:00am
'No war' preotest at the tank peace camp in Southampton docks

'No war' banner from tank peace camp

'Marchwood 14' denied Attorney General's advice on legality of Iraq war

Last edited 10 March 2004 at 9:00am
10 March, 2004

Judge also denies permission to call Elizabeth Wilmhurst

Lawyers for the Attorney General today succeeded in keeping his full advice on the legality of the war secret.

Greenpeace had this morning sought a witness summons forcing the government to reveal the full advice. Greenpeace says the advice is vital to the defence of 14 of its volunteers, who face charges relating to the occupation of tanks at Marchwood military base in the run up to the war.

'Marchwood 14' lawyers put Attorney General on the spot

Last edited 9 March 2004 at 9:00am
'No war' stencilled on tank at peace camp
'No war' stencilled on tank at peace camp

Court report: Day 1

Greenpeace defendants will raise legality of war in court

Last edited 8 March 2004 at 9:00am
8 March, 2004

What's happening?
Tony Blair's legal case for war will come under scrutiny on Tuesday when fourteen Greenpeace activists appear in court in Southampton. They face charges relating to the occupation of tanks in February 2003 at the Marchwood military port in Southampton, from where hardware and supplies were being sent to Iraq. The occupation was part of a week of actions at Marchwood aimed at stopping the build up to war (1).