
Anti-war campaigners shut scores of Esso garages and bar entrance to company HQ

Last edited 23 February 2003 at 9:00am
23 February, 2003

Greenpeace UK says oil giant is shoulder to shoulder with Bush on war and global warming

Civil disobedience by peace campaigners has this morning seen the UK operation of the world's most powerful company severely disrupted across seventeen counties.

Greenpeace response to Geoff Hoon giving go-ahead for UK bases being used for US Star Wars system

Last edited 5 February 2003 at 9:00am
5 February, 2003

Responding to Geoff Hoon's announcement in Parliament today that the government will allow the United States to use UK facilities, including the Fylingdales military base in Yorkshire, for their 'Star Wars' system, Stephen Tindale, Executive Director of Greenpeace UK said,

"It is disgraceful that the government is using the cover of impending war with Iraq to push through this decision to back Bush's aggressive plans for developing a 'Star Wars' missile defence system".

Greenpeace response to Geoff Hoon's announcement on use of UK facilities for US 'Star Wars' system

Last edited 15 January 2003 at 9:00am
15 January, 2003

Responding to Geoff Hoon's announcement in Parliament today that the government is minded to allow the United States to use UK facilities, including the Fylingdales military base in Yorkshire, for their 'Star Wars' system, Stephen Tindale, Executive Director of Greenpeace UK said,

"It's always been clear that the Blair government would roll over and let Bush do what he wants, but this is still a disgraceful decision".

He continued,

Dog sled tour takes Stop Star Wars campaign to top of the world

Last edited 6 March 2002 at 9:00am
6 March, 2002

Dog sled tour: Greenland 2002

Greenpeace campaigners this week set off on a dog sled tour to visit isolated Greenlandic communities and collect testimonies of their opposition to Denmark giving the US permission to use the Thule radar base in Greenland as part of the US Star Wars system. 

Greenpeace Star Wars protestors sentenced

Last edited 21 January 2002 at 9:00am
21 January, 2002

Nine Greenpeace activists today walked free from court after pleading guilty to conspiring to trespass on a military base, during a peaceful protest against the Star Wars missile defence programme last July.

All nine were given one year probation. No fines were imposed, and all are free to return home. Each of the defendants presented powerful statements to the court prior to sentence, outlining their moral and legal objections to the programme in Los Angeles this morning.

Star Wars activists still defiant on US missile defence

Last edited 18 January 2002 at 9:00am
18 January, 2002

Greenpeace activists who face jail over a peaceful protest against the Star Wars missile defence programme in the United States, have peacefully and lawfully returned to the military base to re-state their opposition to the programme.

While still awaiting sentencing, activists gathered at the front gate of Vandenberg Air Force Base holding banners that read "Still Protesting Star Wars".

U.S. Attorney's office agrees to drop felony charges

Last edited 9 January 2002 at 9:00am
9 January, 2002

The U.S. Attorney's office has agreed to drop felony charges against 15 Greenpeace activists and two freelance journalists who were due to stand trial in Los Angeles today following a peaceful protest against a Star Wars missile test at Vandenberg Air Force Base on July 14, 2001.

Stop Star Wars parliamentary briefings

Last edited 23 November 2001 at 9:00am
Bush protest, Brussels

Bush protest, Brussels

Regular updates for UK parliamentarians about Greenpeace campaigns and international developments on Star Wars and other disarmament issues.

Star Wars 17 trial delayed

Last edited 8 November 2001 at 9:00am
8 November, 2001

Star Wars peaceful protest

A Los Angeles Federal court today agreed to delay the trial of fifteen Greenpeace activists and two freelance journalists facing charges carrying up to six years in jail for their involvement in a peaceful protest against the Star Wars programme (1).

Travel restrictions lifted for Greenpeace volunteers and freelance journalist

Last edited 16 October 2001 at 8:00am
16 October, 2001
Star Wars 17Two British volunteers and a British freelance journalist to return home before November Star Wars trial

A Judge ruled today that nine Greenpeace protestors and one freelance journalist, facing felony charges stemming from a peaceful protest against a missile defence test in California on July 14th, can travel home before returning to Los Angeles for trial currently set for November 20, 2001. The two British Greenpeace protestors, Bill Nandris from London and John Wills from Guernsey along with freelance journalist Steve Morgan from Somerset, had been previously restricted to the Central District of California along with six other defendants since July 14th.