
Big loopholes for tiny microbeads in government’s proposed ban

Last edited 27 March 2017 at 10:45am
8 February, 2017

YouGov polling for the microbeads coalition has shown that a large proportion of people wash make-up and skincare products down the drain. Yet while some of these product types have been shown to contain microplastic ingredients, they could fall outside of the government’s proposed microbeads ban.

Defra’s current proposal is restricted to “rinse-off” products, an ambiguous term which has caused confusion among industry and campaigners alike. But these findings suggest that products containing microplastics will continue to enter the ocean if the government excludes them from the microbeads ban.

Britons overwhelmingly opposed to ending 30 year-old commercial whaling ban

Last edited 20 October 2016 at 11:51am
20 October, 2016

London, October 20: With a 30 year-old international moratorium on hunting whales for profit under threat, new research commissioned by Greenpeace UK shows a large majority of Britons believe the UK government should take a lead in upholding the ban.

A poll by YouGov showed that 91 per cent of people believe whales should continue to have protection from being hunted.

The ban on commercial whaling is likely to be a contentious topic for some governments attending the International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting in Slovenia which starts today. The UK has historically been a strong supporter of whale conservation in the IWC, and nearly 70 per cent of Britons polled agreed that the UK government should have a prominent role in ensuring the whaling ban is upheld.

Pressure builds for green delivery at Lib Dem conference

Posted by jossc — 21 September 2010 at 8:41am - Comments

Under pressure: Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne © CC/David Spender

Climate campaigner Louise Hutchins reports from the Liberal Democrat party conference:

Here in Liverpool amongst the Lib Dem faithful, there is a mood of embattled determination to give their leaders the benefit of the doubt – for now. There's also a keen awareness that delivery on some of the party's touchstone issues is urgently needed to stem the haemorrhaging of support seen in opinion polls.

The politics of GM

Last edited 31 October 2003 at 9:00am

GM-o-Meter polling in London

GM-o-Meter polling in London

The results of the 'GM Nation?' debate show the essential rejection of GM. The government launched the 'GM Nation?' exercise amid allegations that Downing Street was ignoring huge public disquiet over the proposed genetic modification of food and crops. Over 37,000 people took part, with 86 percent of people stating an outright rejection of growing GM crops in the UK.

We did some polling of our own, and submitted our results to the GM Public Debate committee. Again there was an overwhelming rejection of GM.

The last major report on GM this year, the results of farm scale trials of GM crops, were published on 16 October. The trials only examined the effect of weedkillers on wildlife. The key issues of cross-pollination, contamination of the global food chain, gene transfer and effects on human health remain unexplored and will not be looked at by these trials.

A final commercialisation decision will be made in 2004, after the results of the Farm Scale Evaluations have been published.