
Hundreds converge on nuclear bomb factory

Last edited 4 December 2006 at 4:33pm
27 November, 2006

Weapons inspector at Aldermaston AWE

World's largest weapons inspection as Blair pushes for new N-Bomb

Hundreds of people from across Britain are this morning marching on the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston in Berkshire. They are converging in large groups from all directions - by bus, train, bicycle and on foot - determined to carry out the world's largest ever inspection of a nuclear weapons factory. A big police presence of several hundred officers is protecting the site.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Broken oil tanker brings ecological disaster

Posted by bex — 19 November 2002 at 9:00am - Comments
Oil spill from Prestige tanker

Oil spill from Prestige tanker

Oil is now covering more than 500 km of the Spanish Coast, carried by the Gulf Stream. The Spanish Government has conceded that more than 20,000 metric tonnes has leaked from the Prestige. And experts expect the Portugese coast to be affected next...

As the clean-up operation continues to lack co-ordination, Greenpeace activists protested outside the Galician provincial Government building in La Coruna on Saturday - confronting the Vice President with buckets of oil collected from a nearby beach.

600 protesters Stop Esso in Luxembourg

Last edited 25 October 2002 at 8:00am
25 October, 2002

Stop Esso: Luxembourg

Jagger dossier reveals Esso's 'weapons of mass deception'

Flotilla peacefully protests plutonium ships

Last edited 17 September 2002 at 8:00am
17 September, 2002

For the second time in as many days, yachts from the Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla have protested the transport of nuclear materials through the Irish Sea. This morning at 8.30 am six of the flotilla boats protested the arrival of the Pacific Pintail and Pacific Teal into Barrow docks near Sellafield at the end of the ships' infamous 18,000 mile journey from Japan to the UK. 

Plutonium ships sail through Irish sea protest flotilla

Last edited 17 September 2002 at 8:00am
17 September, 2002

The Nuclear Free Irish Sea Flotilla has encountered and protested against the two nuclear freighters entering the Irish Sea today, 28 miles off the coast of Ireland, 20 miles off the coast of the UK.

Julia Sawalha and Alan Davies say "don't buy Esso" as forecourts face protests.

Last edited 18 May 2002 at 8:00am
18 May, 2002

Stop Esso day: Julia Sawalha and Alan Davies

Britain's biggest ever protest against global warming is taking place today. Campaigners took to the forecourts of 400 Esso garages across the country from 11am as part of a national day of action against the US oil giant, which has done more than any other company to sabotage international action on climate change. 

Stop Esso campaign spreads from Tyneside to Texas

Last edited 13 May 2002 at 8:00am
13 May, 2002

Esso Purfleet:   villains

The Stop Esso campaign today launched an international week of action against the oil giant, which culminates on Saturday with protests outside more than 400 garages across the United Kingdom.

Stop Esso week was launched in response to the corporation's role in the sabotage of international action on global warming. Esso (ExxonMobil) has done more than any other company to block efforts to reverse climate change. It has run a ten year dirty tricks campaign against scientists and politicians who think we should reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Saturday May 18th will see Britain's biggest-ever global warming protest as thousand of people demonstrate outside hundreds of Esso garages, asking drivers to fill up elsewhere. To join an event at your local Stop Esso garage, visit or phone 0870 010 9510.

Protestors call on the Japanese government

Last edited 23 April 2002 at 8:00am
23 April, 2002

Worldwide condemnation of Japan's "scientific" whaling began this week in the countdown to the next International Whaling Commission meeting in Shimonoseki, Japan. Greenpeace activists from Argentina to the UK gathered at Japanese embassies to deliver their protests in the form of whale meat boxes, petitions, letters, postcards, e-mails and faxes. Copied from the originals used by the Japanese whaling fleet , the boxes highlight the commercial reality of so-called "scientific" whaling.

Stop Esso day

Posted by bex — 3 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
Stop Esso Day: copyright Alex Snelling

Stop Esso Day: copyright Alex Snelling

On the first Stop Esso day, in villages, towns and cities across the UK and Ireland, over 3000 people peacefully and legally campaigned at Esso petrol stations.

They spent the day handing out leaflets and stickers, explaining to motorists and passers-by why they should join in boycotting Esso. There were even several Esso tigers roaming around, keeping the kids entertained.

Motorists were shocked to hear about Esso's dirty tricks and many vowed not to buy from Esso again.

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