
The day you all went to Strasbourg, and made history

Posted by Willie — 7 February 2013 at 10:49am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
"Victory for citizen power" said Roger Harriban, BBC, environment analyst

Where were you when you heard the news? I was sitting in a very chilly train station in Edinburgh, cursing a delayed train, unable to extricate myself from Twitter to go get a restorative coffee, when the news came through: Members of the European Parliament, those elected but often-maligned creatures, had voted overwhelmingly in favour of radical, progressive reform of Europe’s fish laws.

Oceans - the solutions

Last edited 10 November 2006 at 5:14pm

Sea squirts on theInner Hebrides seamount

Sea squirts on the Inner Hebrides seamount, Scotland

The threats which face the oceans are many and varied. Left unchecked our seas are rapidly being emptied by a combination of overfishing, climate change and industrial pollution. Vital breathing space is needed if there is to be a genuine chance of recovery from the damage caused by years of human activity - but it needs to happen now.

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