tinned tuna

Princes selling endangered tuna for less than £1 a pop

Posted by jamie — 1 February 2011 at 7:10pm - Comments
Bigeye tuna caught in the Pacific. Princes claims to use bigeye tuna from the In
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace/Alex Hofford
Bigeye tuna caught in the Pacific. Princes claims to use bigeye tuna from the Indian Ocean

Yesterday, some of my colleagues met with executives from Princes to discuss the problems with their tinned tuna. It was the first meeting for several months and certainly since Princes came bottom of our league table. Needless to say, there was a lot to discuss.   

Sales for 'sustainable' seafood soar, but is the problem shifting elsewhere?

Posted by jamie — 18 January 2011 at 5:28pm - Comments

It's been a good week for seafood sales. The Guardian reports that supermarkets have been doing brisk business in "sustainable seafood", particularly those featured in the various Big Fish Fight shows on Channel 4.

Princes changes tuna labels but not its policies

Posted by jamie — 14 January 2011 at 6:44pm - Comments

So, what's been going on since our tinned tuna league table was released on an expectant world at the weekend? Quite a bit as it happens and already you've helped us score another small but vital victory over the worst of the tuna companies, Princes.

Tinned Tuna's Secret Catch

Last edited 9 January 2011 at 12:41pm

Tesco escapes last place in new tinned tuna league table with spectacular policy u-turn

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2011 at 10:40am - Comments
Tesco was bottom of our tinned tuna league table before a nifty u-turn
All rights reserved. Credit: Cobb / Greenpeace
Tesco was bottom of our tinned tuna league table before a nifty u-turn

Update, 9 March 2011: both Princes and Asda have committed to removing tuna caught using fish aggregating devices in combination with purse seine nets from their supply chains by 2014. Read more >>

Having got wind of our new tinned tuna league table (see below) and the fact that it was going to come last, Tesco has done a spectacular u-turn. After being the subject of a Greenpeace investigation, it has radically improved its policy on the fishing methods it will permit for its own-brand tuna.

Tinned Tuna's Secret Catch

Last edited 18 February 2011 at 11:40am
Publication date: 
9 January, 2011

The UK is the second largest consumer of tinned tuna in the world, consuming the equivalent of more than 778 million tins in 2008 alone. Eating more tinned tuna than anyone else in Europe, the UK accounts for 36% of the EU import market.

Around 70% of the UK’s tinned tuna is sold through supermarkets and 30% through the catering sector. Retailers and suppliers in this country must therefore take considerable responsibility for the global environmental consequences of current fishing practices for tuna.

Download the report:

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