
Global calls for a sanctuary to protect the Arctic

Last edited 4 September 2014 at 11:09am
4 September, 2014

4 September 2014 (Copenhagen) — International polling today revealed overwhelming public support for a formally protected area in the High Arctic for mammals and other marine life.

A study, commissioned by Greenpeace, found three in four (74%) people worldwide support the creation of a protected sanctuary in the international waters surrounding the North Pole. In the UK, this rises to nearly four in five (78%). Currently only 1.5% of the Arctic Ocean is protected — less than any of the world’s oceans.

Norway ends seismic testing after pressure by environmental organisations

Last edited 21 August 2014 at 1:26pm
21 August, 2014

Seismic testing in the Barents Sea, commissioned by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, has been stopped four days after Greenpeace exposed the testing programme in the Norwegian TV2 news. The Greenpeace ship Esperanza approached the research vessel Artemis Atlantic on Wednesday when it changed course towards Hammerfest.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

LEGO: Help children save the Arctic

Posted by Fran G — 5 August 2014 at 10:27am - Comments

No-one loves LEGO as much as a seven year old who’s just built their first masterpiece. But everyone who has played with the toy carries the joy of their inner child on through life. That’s why LEGO is such a desirable brand for Shell to piggyback on.

Kids’ cute Greenpeace video to save the Arctic from Shell

Last edited 5 August 2014 at 9:27am
5 August, 2014

Greenpeace today announced its intention to put kids at the heart of its ongoing campaign for LEGO to end its co-promotion with Shell, as it revealed its second video, which stars three young children. The video is accompanied by a global competition asking LEGO fans to build something out of LEGO which will help save the Arctic from Shell. 

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Why 50 children and their families are playing outside Shell's HQ

Posted by Fran G — 29 July 2014 at 9:41am - Comments
Children with a LEGO blocks spelling Arctic
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
These kids are really concerned about climate change

Today, 50 children are playfully protesting about LEGO's partnership with Shell outside the oil giant's HQ in London by building their favourite Arctic animals out of oversized LEGO bricks. It’s an unusual but hopefully creative and exciting way of facilitating peaceful protest, which might need a little extra explanation.