
Esperanza leaves Southern Ocean but whaling campaign continues

Posted by jamie — 29 January 2008 at 2:41pm - Comments

A Greenpeace inflatable prevents the Nisshin Maru refuelling from the Oriental Bluebird

A Greenpeace inflatable prevents the Nisshin Maru from being refuelled by the Oriental Bluebird © Greenpeace/Jiri Rezac

A few days ago, the Esperanza - which had been pursuing the Japanese whaling fleet for two weeks - was forced to quit the chase and head back to port as the ship is running low on fuel. But this year's Southern Ocean expedition has been a resounding success.

Whalers blocked from refuelling in Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary

Posted by jossc — 22 January 2008 at 11:44am - Comments

A Greenpeace infalatable delays refuelling of the whaling ship Nisshin Maru

After eleven days successfully preventing the Japanese whaling fleet from killing whales in the Southern Ocean, the crew of the Esperanza were this morning able to inconvenience them still further by delaying the refuelling of their factory ship, the Nisshin Maru.

Second whaling ship leaves the hunting grounds

Posted by jossc — 18 January 2008 at 4:36pm - Comments

Here's the latest video update from Esperanza, on patrol in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary protecting fin and minke whales from whalers, plus a blog update from Dave, our intrepid onboard webbie:

Esperanza drives whalers out of the Southern Ocean sanctuary

Posted by jossc — 14 January 2008 at 5:16pm - Comments

Greenpeace campaigner Sakyo Noda contacts the Japanese whaling fleet

Greenpeace campaigner Sakyo Noda contacts the Japanese whaling fleet

Good news from Esperanza, our ice-class vessel on patrol in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. Yesterday the Espy had a face to face encounter with the Japanese whaling fleet's factory vessel, the Nisshin Maru, which was confronted close to the ice edge. As soon as they realised that we were in the area, the whalers put on speed and tried to get away.

After a high speed chase over hundreds of miles through fog and increasingly rough seas (see video clip below), the Esperanza this morning pursued the whalers north of the over the 60 degrees latitude mark - out of the Southern Ocean hunting grounds. The catcher vessel Yushin Maru also followed suit.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Fingers crossed - it's IWC 59!

Posted by jossc — 24 May 2007 at 10:38am - Comments

IWC 59: how the voting's going

It's time for us whale lovers to hold our breath and cross our fingers yet again as we watch developments at the 59th meeting of the International Whaling Commission, now underway in Anchorage, Alaska.

For the past few years the IWC, charged by the United Nations with protecting whales, has been the focus of serious lobbying by some whaling nations to allow a resumption of commercial whaling - suspended since 1986 following a dramatic decline in the number of great whales worldwide.

The International Whaling Commission

Last edited 22 May 2007 at 4:53pm


What is the IWC?

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was set up in 1946 as a club for whaling nations. Its brief was to provide for an "orderly development of the whaling industry," because even in those days it was becoming clear that whales were being massively over-fished.

Little birds and big fish

Posted by Willie — 13 May 2007 at 11:00am - Comments

Follow the crew of the Arctic Sunrise on their campaign for Marine Reserves in our North Sea Tour blog

We have a hitch-hiker on board: a small bird, which - from my frantic bird handbook thumbing - appears to be a juvenile stonechat or whinchat. Anyway, everyone's happy to have the tiny stowaway with us for a while although it may leave us when we get closer to land. For now, however, it's proving to be camera-shy and getting fed on breadcrumbs.

To Japan,with love: a message from Greenpeace and the biggest ever crew

Last edited 25 January 2007 at 9:00am
25 January, 2007

The Greenpeace ship, Esperanza will sail from Auckland tomorrow, as part of a global campaign to bring an end to whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

As well as the expedition, which will be the eighth one to the Southern Ocean, the campaign will focus on engaging with the 69 percent of people in Japan who do not support whaling (1) in the Sanctuary, by generating a global crew to campaign together through a new website http://whales.greenpeace.org.

Iceland dumps whale meat in landfill site

Last edited 23 January 2007 at 9:00am
23 January, 2007

An endangered fin whale on the harbour of Hvalfjrour, Iceland
Endangered whales - hunted, stockpiled and left to rot on a rubbish dump

The Icelandic government's claims of sustainable whaling were harpooned this morning, after Greenpeace activists revealed that around 200 tonnes of meat and blubber from endangered fin whales are still in storage, waiting to be tested for chemical contamination and a further 179 tonnes of bones and entrails have been dumped in a landfill site.

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