
Lapland - State of Conflict

Last edited 10 March 2005 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2004


How the Finnish government is abusing the rigts of Sàmi reindeer herders in Lapland.

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Marine Reserves

Last edited 13 July 2004 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
13 July, 2004


This report describes the multiple threats now jeopardising the marine life and ecology of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. It proposes an approach to countering these threats involving the establishment of networks of large-scale marine reserves in which fishing and other extractive activities are prohibited. Finally, it considers what progress has already been made towards the effective conservation of the North and Baltic Seas, and assesses the opportunities towards that goal afforded by recent political developments.

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New Scientist and Greenpeace Science Debates

Last edited 23 April 2002 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
21 March, 2007

Science, technology and our future: the big questions

What is 'natural'?

Publication date: 16th April 2002

The question and answer session raised issues as wide ranging as alternative medicine, population growth, bio-diversity and the rights of apes.

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Poll reveals public want ban on illegally logged ancient forest timber coming into the UK

Last edited 19 February 2002 at 9:00am
19 February, 2002

Greenpeace today delivered a MORI poll to Environment Minister Michael Meacher showing that 87% of the British public want the government to ban illegal imports of wood from the world's ancient forests. Furthermore 80% want the British Government to pledge funding to a proposed international fund to protect the world's remaining ancient forests.

Environmental Trust: Organic and agroecological farming in the South

Last edited 7 February 2002 at 9:00am
Publication date: 
7 February, 2002

The crisis in Argentina in late 2001 illustrated again a frustrating and unjust reality: there is no direct relationship between the amount of food a country produces and the number of hungry people who live there. In 2001, Argentina harvested enough wheat to meet the needs of both China and India. Yet Argentina's people were hungry. Argentina's status as the world's second largest producer of GM crops - largely for export - could do nothing to solve its very real hunger problems at home. For fifty years conventional agriculture has been getting less and less sustainable.

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Genetically modified plants

Last edited 23 October 2001 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 March, 2000

Centres of diversity are places where the special interrelation between our crop plants and their wild relatives is still apparent. In such places, tens of thousands of varieties of rice, potato, maize, or other food staples are still grown and used by local people. Centres of diversity are the basis not only for food security, but also for cultural traditions.

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The state of the world's ancient forests

Last edited 13 February 2001 at 9:00am

Ancient forest

Ancient forest

Ancient forests are the living expression of billions of years of evolution. Home to millions of types of plants and animals, these forests sustain as much as 90% of the world's land-based species - everything from owls to orchids and bears to beetles.

Protect the Amazon- Stop criminal timber imports

Last edited 2 August 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
2 July, 2000

The Amazon rainforest is one of the biologically richest areas in the world containing more than one-third of the world's remaining ancient forests and supporting up to 50% of the planet's land-based animal and plant species. The Amazon contains more than 2.5 million species of insects, more than 300 species of mammals, 2000 species of fish and more than 60,000 species of plants.

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The protection of ancient forests

Last edited 2 August 2000 at 8:00am
Publication date: 
30 May, 2000

Publication date: May 2000


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