cairn energy

Video: Paula bears down on reckless oil drillers Cairn Energy

Posted by jamie — 27 May 2011 at 5:26pm - Comments

We took Paula Bear down to Cairn Energy's HQ yesterday to block their entrance and demand their oil spill response plan.

We learned this week from confidential government documents that an oil spill in the Arctic would be all but impossible to clear up. Yet Cairn say they've got a spill response plan for the Arctic environment. Only thing is, they won't let anyone see it.

Paula Bear: Where's your spill response plan, Cairn?

Posted by jamess — 26 May 2011 at 10:35am - Comments
Paula blocking the entrance to Cairn's HQ
All rights reserved. Credit: Felix Clay / Greenpeace
Paula blocking the entrance to Cairn's HQ

This morning Paula Bear swung into action as a Greenpeace activist. While our ships are confronting Cairn Energy's oil rig in the Arctic, she’s blocking the entrance to the wildcat drillers' headquarters in Edinburgh.

Horrified that Cairn Energy are drilling for oil in the Arctic, Paula’s rage was tipped over the edge when she learned that Cairn won’t even make their oil spill response plan public.

Letter to Bill Gammell

Last edited 26 May 2011 at 9:23am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Government documents: Arctic oil spill all but impossible to clear up

Posted by jamess — 24 May 2011 at 9:55am - Comments
The Arctic Sunrise and the Esperanza intercept Cairn Energy's controversial Arct
All rights reserved. Credit: © Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace
The Arctic Sunrise and the Esperanza intercept Cairn Energy's controversial Arctic rig

We obtained a series of documents [download part one and part two, both pdfs] today under a Freedom of Information request that show the government is saying privately what we've been saying publicly: an Arctic oil spill would be all but impossible to clear up.


Last edited 1 June 2011 at 9:02am

Greenland, 24th May 2011– Two Greenpeace ships are in a tense stand-off with Danish navy commandos protecting an oil drilling operation in the freezing seas off Greenland.

24 May, 2011

The environmental campaigners have been involved in a week long search for the giant 53,000 tonne Leiv Eiriksson – the only oil rig scheduled to begin new off-shore arctic drilling operations this year. They found it last night 200 miles west of Greenland under escort by a Danish warship.

Greenpeace today released confidential UK Foreign Office documents, obtained under Freedom of Information, showing that the British government thinks an Arctic oil spill would be all but impossible to clean up.

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