cairn energy

Verdict: Cairn's oil spill plan is outlandish, simplistic and "wholly inadequate"

Posted by bex — 31 August 2011 at 6:35am - Comments
Cairn's Leiv Eriksson rig off the coast of Greenland
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Steve Morgan
Cairn's Leiv Eriksson rig off the coast of Greenland

Earlier this month, after more than 100,000 of you asked Cairn Energy to open up its Arctic oil spill response plan to public scrutiny, the government of Greenland stepped in and published it.

The verdict is now in. Veteran marine biologist and international oil spill expert Professor Richard Steiner has completed a review of the plan and, well, it's no wonder Cairn didn't want you to see it.

Briefing: Greenpeace analysis of the Cairn Oil Spill Prevention and Contingency Plan

Last edited 31 August 2011 at 9:26am

For the two years that Cairn has been operating in the Arctic, it has repeatedly refused to publish an oil spill response plan - the document that supposedly shows how the company would deal with a spill. Recently, after massive public and political pressure, the Greenland government - not Cairn - finally buckled and published the oil spill response plan.

This is a summary and analysis of Cairn's oil spill plan from independent expert Rick Steiner and Greenpeace Arctic campaigners.

Download the analysis:

"Financial crimes" leaflet: Cairn Energy

Last edited 23 August 2011 at 2:23pm

A mockup of a financial newspaper front page handed out by Greenpeace outside Cairn's press conference announcing Cairn's half yearly results for the first half of 2011.

The risks of investing in Arctic oil drilling

Posted by bex — 23 August 2011 at 2:17pm - Comments
Part of the leaflet handed out outside Cairn's press conference
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
"Financial Crimes": the leaflet we handed out outside Cairn's press conference

This morning, Cairn Energy published its half-yearly results. There isn't much for the company to shout about in there; halfway through their 2011 drilling season, they have yet to find any oil in the Arctic.

Greenpeace response to Cairn Energy’s half yearly results

Last edited 23 August 2011 at 10:31am
23 August, 2011

Responding to the publication of Cairn Energy’s half yearly results and the news that the company still hasn’t discovered oil off Greenland, Greenpeace campaigner Vicky Wyatt said: 

“Cairn are half way through this year’s Arctic drilling season but still have nothing to show for it. What was already an unattractive investment now looks even riskier. 

Shell oil spills - Greenpeace response

Last edited 16 August 2011 at 12:22pm
16 August, 2011

Responding to the latest developments in the North Sea, Greenpeace senior oil campaigner Vicky Wyatt said:

Published: Cairn's oil spill response plan!

Posted by bex — 15 August 2011 at 6:31pm - Comments
In the event of an oil spill, turn immediately to page 13
All rights reserved. Credit: Cairn Energy
Page one of Cairn's spill response plan

You know that oil spill response plan that Cairn has been refusing to publish? The one that tens of thousands of you asked to see? The one we went to the Arctic and to Cairn's Edinburgh HQ to look for? The one they were so worried we'd found, they slapped a legal interdict on us to prevent us from publishing it?

Cairn Enery publishes oil spill response plan - Greenpeace response

Last edited 15 August 2011 at 6:18pm
15 August, 2011

Responding to the publication of Cairn Energy’s controversial Arctic oil spill response plan, which was at the centre of a campaign of direct action over the summer, Greenpeace oil campaigner Ben Ayliffe said:

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

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