cairn energy

Video: Esperanza to climb team, over

Posted by jamie — 2 September 2010 at 3:46pm - Comments

This was the scene on the Esperanza's bridge as Luke called through to Sim on the Stena Don for the last time, as the climbers prepared to leave the oil rig. Apologies for the audio which is a bit fuzzy, but here's a transcript:

Greenpeace Edinburgh action in solidarity with Ibiza

Last edited 12 June 2014 at 3:39pm

Protest over Cairn Energy’s drilling threat in World Heritage Site

12 June, 2014

Edinburgh - Today Greenpeace protested outside Cairn Energy’s HQ in Edinburgh in solidarity with Alianza Mar Blava (Blue Sea Alliance) who are opposing oil exploration around the Balearic islands. Cairn’s plans threaten the future of tourism, fishing and endangered species like dolphins and turtles

In Ibiza, the Greenpeace flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, will be joined by a flotilla of boats in a seaborne protest against Cairn Energy’s oil prospecting plans. Ibiza and the Balearic islands are well known to many British people as one of the most beautiful and popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean. But for local people it is their livelihoods that are under threat. 

Nine questions MPs should ask Shell about its Arctic drilling

Posted by bex — 14 March 2012 at 11:03am - Comments
Activists on Shell contracted drillship
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace / Nigel Marple
Activists on Shell's Arctic-bound drillship, New Zealand, February 2012

Today, we’re in for a treat – another glimpse into the fantastical world of the Arctic oil spill response plan writer. 

Shell and Cairn Energy – who have both tried to use brute legal force to obstruct public scrutiny of their Arctic drilling plans and to silence Greenpeace and our supporters (more on that below) – are going to be subjected to a bit of parliamentary scrutiny. This afternoon, both companies will be giving evidence to a UK parliamentary inquiry on protecting the Arctic.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Cairn polar bear found not guilty

Posted by bex — 24 November 2011 at 12:10pm - Comments
Melting icebergs in the path of rigs in the Arctic, the latest oil frontier
All rights reserved. Credit: Will Rose / Greenpeace
Melting icebergs in the path of rigs in the Arctic, the latest oil frontier

Back in July, if you remember, fifty Greenpeace polar bears occupied Cairn Energy's Edinburgh headquarters, looking for the company's Arctic oil spill response plan and taking your messages to the heart of the company. (I'd post pictures to jog your memory but I'm afraid we're still gagged by Cairn's interdict.)

No oil in the Arctic for Cairn, but hazardous chemicals aplenty

Posted by bex — 29 September 2011 at 10:50am - Comments
The Arctic Sunrise and the Esperanza intercept Cairn Energy's controversial Arct
All rights reserved. Credit: © Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace
Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise and Esperanza intercepting Cairn Energy's controversial Arctic rig

Yesterday brought the news that yet another Cairn well off Greenland - the sixth so far - has come up dry. The Delta-1 well will be plugged and abandoned and Cairn now has to pin its hopes for this year's drilling season on two remaining wells.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Arctic oil spill plans completely inadequate, say top experts

Last edited 31 August 2011 at 9:47am

Cairn took two years to release controversial documents

31 August, 2011

A British oil company has been accused of "breathtaking irresponsibility" after it admitted that its plans for cleaning upan Arctic oil spill included cutting out chunks of oiled ice and melting them in heated warehouses, relying on "limited portable lights" during the six months of the year in which the region is shrouded in darkness, and the suggestion that cod and salmon might swim out of the way of the oil. Any Arctic clean up operation would grind to a halt completely in the winter months.

Cairn Energy, who are spearheading the new Arctic oil rush, also admits that the sort of conventional spill response techniques used in the Gulf of Mexico - such as booms, skimmers and dispersants -will be significantly less effective, if not completely useless, in the harsh Arctic environment. (1)

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