coal ship tour

View from the crow's nest

Posted by bex — 24 October 2008 at 9:28am - Comments

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We've made it to Kent (sailing past Kingsnorth power station an hour or so ago, complete with police escort for some reason...) and we're just about to start our climate change impacts tour with Dr Geoff Meaden.

More on that later - for now, have a look at this sequence our videographer took from the Warrior's crow's nest, as we came through Tower Bridge last night:

View from the crow's nest from Greenpeace UK on Vimeo.

And don't forget, the Warrior is opening her gangplank to the public tomorrow and Sunday in Southend-on-Sea - and you're invited to come on board and meet the crew.

People, politics and passion: 24 hours on the Warrior

Posted by bex — 23 October 2008 at 7:39pm - Comments

Survival suit

Nick, in a survival suit. © Will Rose / Greenpeace

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I'm not sure where to start. In the past 24 hours, I've watched senior advisers to the shadow cabinet take a ride in one of our inflatable boats (wearing Greenpeace-branded dry suits); mopped, swept and wiped all manner of surfaces; talked to artists, designers and film producers about our work and the coal campaign; learned how to coil rope properly; donned a survival suit during safety training (see the picture of Nick, resplendent in similar garb, above); helped to take down a giant banner; eavesdropped on energy policy discussions with advisers at the heart of Labour's government; and cleaned a lot of toilets.

I think I'd better start with the Tories, who visited the Warrior this afternoon. They were here not to have the mickey taken out of them as they got into the inflatable boat ("when we get to parliament, you three unfurl that banner and the rest of you storm past the guards" etc) but to talk about energy policy with our chief scientist, energy campaigners and policy wonks - just as Labour advisers did this morning.

Message from the Rainbow Warrior: stop coal and kick start clean energy

Posted by bex — 22 October 2008 at 2:06pm - Comments

Kick start clean energy

"Kick start clean energy" written on the side of the Rainbow Warrior in LEDs, with London buildings behind. © Will Rose / Greenpeace

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Captain MikeThe Rainbow Warrior is a ship full of stories; everywhere on the ship there are photographs of the non-violent direct actions Greenpeace has taken over the years, artefacts from our campaigns, painted totems donated by Native Canadian people, pictures drawn by visitors to the boat, and portraits of crew members past and present. And every time you talk to someone who knows the ship and her history intimately, like the captain, you get the chance to hear more.

There's no way I'd have time to pass on all the stories I'm hearing but I am going to try and record a few of them for you, starting with Mike, the Captain (pictured), telling last night's guests the story of the Rainbow Warrior sailing into the Moruroa test zone. It's quite a story - have a listen to this mp3:

But our visitors last night didn't just hear stories from the past. They also got to hear - and see - a good deal about our present campaign: to give coal the boot and kickstart a clean energy revolution.

Pete's blog - first day on the Rainbow Warrior

Posted by bex — 22 October 2008 at 8:55am - Comments

Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior coming through Tower Bridge

The Rainbow Warrior coming through London's Tower Bridge. © Will Rose / Greenpeace

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Pete - Rainbow Warrior crewPete is a volunteer deck hand on the Rainbow Warrior.

I'm only on the Rainbow Warrior! With some awe and trepidation, I joined the ship yesterday afternoon. It's now Tuesday night and, fighting to keep my eyes open, I look back on my first, very full, day on board.

An early start to move the ship to Tower Bridge. With two RHIBs (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats) in the water, slightly twitchy river police turn up in a launch and escort us all the way up the Thames. It's impressive, the power Greenpeace has to motivate others...

Follow the Give Coal the Boot Tour on the web

Last edited 21 October 2008 at 9:47am

As well as the blog and email updates, you can catch videos, photos and text updates from the ship tour on your favourite social networking sites:  

The Rainbow Warrior - big city, bright lights and night watches

Posted by bex — 21 October 2008 at 5:50am - Comments

View Larger Map

I'll be adding to this map throughout the tour (zoom out to see events during the global tour).

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Some time yesterday morning (was it really yesterday morning?), I left the Greenpeace office, took a short tube ride eastwards, crossed a gang plank and fell through a rabbit hole into the weird and wonderful world that is a Greenpeace ship. And not just any Greenpeace ship, but our flagship Rainbow Warrior II, which is so tied up with Greenpeace's history

A year in the life of the Rainbow Warrior - on a mission to stop coal

Posted by bex — 17 October 2008 at 3:32pm - Comments

Rainbow Warrior

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With only one sleep to go until the Rainbow Warrior gets here, I was planning to tell you about her adventures over the past year, when she's been on a mission to get the planet to quit coal - trailing the odd campaign victory in her wake But then I noticed Captain Mike Finken has done it for me, on the Making Waves blog. Here's a snippet:

A history of the Rainbow Warrior, in pictures

Posted by bex — 10 October 2008 at 6:09pm - Comments

With the Rainbow Warrior on her way to the UK, we thought we'd put together a slideshow to share a few of the highs - and lows - of her remarkable history. Our flagship, the Rainbow Warrior has travelled from South America to the South Pacific, the Antarctic to the Atlantic - an icon for environmentalists around the globe.

The ship coming to the UK is of course the Rainbow Warrior II; the original vessel was sunk in 1985 by French government agents trying to foil protests at their nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific. (The ship's name was inspired by a Native American prophecy which foretells a time when human greed would make the world sick, and warriors of the rainbow would come together to save it.)

The Rainbow Warrior is coming to the UK

Posted by bex — 8 October 2008 at 1:15pm - Comments

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She's our world famous flagship, she's helped to win Greenpeace campaigns across the globe and now she's coming to the UK to persuade Gordon Brown to Give Coal the Boot.

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