
Personal energy use

Last edited 14 March 2011 at 4:19pm

While the government needs to act to transform our energy and transport systems for a
low carbon future we can all do our bit to reduce our energy demand. Changes
big and small in the way we use electricity, power our vehicles and
heat our homes and businesses cumulatively have a significant impact.

Reducing our energy demand is something that we should be excited about, not scared of. It can save us money (the government estimates that increased efficiency in heating, electricity and transport could save us £12bn in reduced bills), as well as protect our planet.

Energy efficiency

Last edited 18 March 2011 at 12:51pm

The single most significant step we can take in the UK to reduce carbon emission is to make Britain truly energy efficient. With the right policies at national and local levels, we can deploy existing solutions on a scale large enough to bring about real changes. 

Perhaps the only problem is deciding where to start. From badly insulated buildings to poorly designed appliances and gas guzzling vehicles, the UK needlessly throws away almost a third of the energy it uses. This is costing us all dearly – damaging the climate and hitting our pockets.