deepwater horizon

BP AGM Live coverage feed

Posted by jamess — 14 April 2011 at 9:42am - Comments

Today was the first BP Annual General Meeting since the Gulf of Mexico oil spill - where both furious investors and protesters voiced their frustrations at BP's abysmal handling of the disaster. Greenpeace were there - here's our live feed of tweets, news, images and videos from the event at Excel London:

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Legal action and Wikileaks trigger beeping Blackberries at BP

Posted by jamess — 16 December 2010 at 12:49pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: fingernageldreck

So the US government is suing BP (along with a bunch of other oil spill sidekicks).  The announcement this morning sent investors running scared and wiping a cool £2.8 billion off BP's share price. Shame the wildlife don't get lawyers.

BP oil spill report - Greenpeace response

Last edited 8 September 2010 at 6:47pm
8 September, 2010

Responding to BP's report on the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Jim Footner, head of Greenpeace's energy campaign, said:

"This report is a sorry catalogue of the gaffes and failures behind the Deepwater Horizon disaster. And it's highly likely that a truly independent report would be even more damning for BP.

"Worryingly, they're just weeks away from drilling at similar depths in UK waters. The Government must step in right now and stop this by introducing a moratorium on deep water drilling.

New deep sea drilling is not only irrational, our lawyers say it's illegal too

Posted by jamess — 2 September 2010 at 9:34am - Comments

BP's Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico

Today our lawyers sent a letter to the UK government threatening legal action over their decision to continue giving licenses for deep sea oil drilling even before we know for certain the causes of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

BP are out, but the race is still on.

Posted by jamess — 26 August 2010 at 10:23am - Comments

So it's official: BP are out of the arctic oil race. Word is that our confrontation with Cairn Energy is scaring off the oil giant. In the words of a senior source, "with the Greenpeace ship already harassing Cairn off Greenland - a company which has an exemplary safety record - everyone realised it would be political madness to give the green light to BP".

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

The oil is still out there

Posted by jamess — 17 August 2010 at 3:55pm - Comments

If you believed the BP-fuelled media spin, you'd think the Gulf of Mexico spill was all cleaned up.

Not so. According to a report today from scientists from the University of Georgia, up to 80 per cent of the oil which leaked from the Deepwater Horizon disaster is still out there.

Research begins on Greenpeace ship in the Gulf

Posted by jamess — 17 August 2010 at 10:33am - Comments

Photo by Flickr user kk+ |

While our ship the Esperanza is busy confronting the oil industry, our colleages in the US are on the Arctic Sunrise in the Gulf of Mexico, researching the effects of the Deepwater Horizon spill. Paul - a longtime Greenpeace campaigner and campaign director at TckTckTck - updates us on how it's going.

It is just after five o'clock in the morning. I've just had a slice of toast and a cup of tea. The decks are wet from a recent downpour that has cooled the air somewhat. It is quiet, the ship and crew sleep. The 4 to 8 is the best watch. You get to see the sunrise and the sunset. But just now it is the darkness just before the dawn – just the harbour lights and the occasional lightning flash in the darkness.

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