No, ex-minister

Posted by Graham Thompson — 21 July 2014 at 1:37pm - Comments
by-nc-sa. Credit: Ben Stewart/Greenpeace
Paterson 'effigy' shocked to read of his recent demise

Secretary of State for the Environment Mr Owen Paterson has been sacked, and ‘the countryside’ is reportedly FURIOUS. As is traditional, the spokesmen for ‘the countryside’ and their alleged fury are climate sceptics writing in the Telegraph - and none of those climate sceptics writing in the Telegraph is more furious than Owen Paterson himself.

Liz Truss to be Secretary of State at DEFRA

Last edited 15 July 2014 at 11:26am

Greenpeace response

15 July, 2014

Tuesday 15th July, 2014. London - In response to the appointment of Liz Truss MP as Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, a Greenpeace spokesperson said :


"Liz Truss has written extensively on the importance of science to education and the economy. If she can bring that respect for evidence and rigour into her new role, then we should  see a more coherent approach to the environment than the embarrassing shambles of the last few years. Common sense and the laws of probability dictate that Liz Truss will be better than Owen Paterson. She starts with a clean slate and we wish her well."



Greenpeace UK Press Office - 020 7865 8255


Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Owen Patterson on GM crops - Greenpeace response

Last edited 20 June 2013 at 3:08pm
20 June, 2013

In response to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ speech on GM crops at Rothamsted Research today, Greenpeace UK’s Chief Scientist, Dr Doug Parr said –

“It's a bit hard to take lessons on science from a climate change sceptic. Patterson’s inability to see the whole picture means he is missing the revolution in non-GM biotechnology which is making a real difference to lives now, while the GM lobbyists just carry on making promises. Patterson should be asking what works rather than blindly following agribusiness propaganda.

Buzz killers: UK blocking bee-killing pesticide ban

Posted by Graham Thompson — 25 April 2013 at 12:47pm - Comments
Bumblebee on a flower
All rights reserved. Credit: Steve Erwood / Greenpeace
You don't have to be Einstein to work here...

In a shock to the scientific community, neonicotinoids, - or neurotoxic agricultural insecticides - have been shown in laboratory tests to cause brain damage in bees.

Actually, it wasn’t that much of a shock. There’s never been any doubt over the potential of these chemicals to harm bees - the recent controversy has been over dosage.

New reports question if there are plenty more fish in the sea

Posted by Willie — 4 August 2010 at 10:57am - Comments

Not plenty more where that came from © Greenpeace/Cobb

If you're reading this in the UK, you ran out of fish today.

Basically, the UK eats more fish than its waters produce and, thanks to some nifty fish-counting from the clever folks at NEF, that equates to the 4th of August being the day we use up our year's fish supply. In comparison to the EU as a whole, we fair a month better but then we are a country with quite a lot of seas, certainly in comparison with, er, Austria and Romania. Yet, for almost five full months we are relying on fish from somewhere else. And that might be okay, if there was plenty of it to go around. But of course, as the old saying should go, there aren't plenty more fish in the sea.

A New Year, and a new position from the UK government on bluefin?

Posted by Willie — 12 January 2010 at 6:36pm - Comments

Well, they may not be shouting about it, but it certainly looks that way. Ironically 2010 has been declared by the UN as 'International Year of Biodiversity', yet alarm bells are ringing for one iconic species already.

In a remarkable contrast from last summer, and autumn, when the UK Government were keen to tell us all how committed they were to saving the bluefin at every possible opportunity, our ministers have gone strangely silent on the issue since the ICCAT meeting in November.

'Divided consumer attitudes' to climate change mirrored by government

Posted by jossc — 18 January 2008 at 5:45pm - Comments

Earlier this week the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) released a report identifying things the public should be doing to limit climate change. Third on the list is to "avoid unnecessary short-haul flights". Apparently we find this hard to do because of "divided consumer attitudes" - ie, we want to have our cake and eat it.

EU biofuels policy thrown into doubt as commissioner admits: targets may be missed

Last edited 14 January 2008 at 4:57pm
14 January, 2008

The environmental credentials of "first generation" biofuels were today thrown into serious doubt after the European commissioner, DEFRA's chief scientist and the Royal Society all expressed concern over their sustainability and effectiveness.

What's £10 million between friends?

Posted by jamie — 13 October 2006 at 8:00am - Comments

solar.jpg From BBC News earlier today:

A £10m drive to add wind turbines to public sites and to promote renewable energy is being funded by cuts to other green projects, it has been claimed. The Partnership for Renewables scheme will work with private firms to put the turbines on sites such as hospitals. But the Lib Dems and the Energy Saving Trust say money from insulation and double-glazing schemes will pay for it. The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said the sum was never allocated to a specific project.

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