
Response to Dounreay Radiation leak

Last edited 10 October 2011 at 4:21pm
10 October, 2011

In response to the news of the Radioactive leak at Dounreay, Louise Hutchins, Greenpeace Energy campaigner said:

"This is a chilling reminder that Britain's nuclear industry, despite all it's assurances, is not able to keep its plants secure. Even as they are decommissioned and even after billions in tax payers' money has been thrown at them.

Energy Review update 10

Last edited 23 May 2007 at 11:28am
Publication date: 
23 May, 2007

In this issue:

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Greenpeace publishes surveillance of secret nuclear shipments

Last edited 20 November 2001 at 9:00am
20 November, 2001

Greenpeace will risk imprisonment to keep public informed of secret nuclear ships

Greenpeace published today images and details from the surveillance of a BNFL ship in North Scotland loading a consignment of weapons-usable plutonium.

The MV Arneb and nuclear shipments

Posted by bex — 19 November 2001 at 9:00am - Comments
MV Arneb

MV Arneb

Greenpeace is appalled that the British government thinks that the true facts about the nuclear industry should be kept secret from the general public. We are opposed to the nuclear industry and believe that the issues surrounding the industry should be openly and actively discussed so that the general public can make their own, informed, decisions. Millions of pounds of government subsidy continue to prop up this industry, and it is only right that taxpayers have a right to know the facts.

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