
Infographic - destructive tuna fishing

Posted by jamess — 21 February 2011 at 12:51pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

Have a look at this great infographic to understand how ocean destruction can end up in your can. Here's a higher resolution version.

Eco-campaigners hang 'dead sharks' from iconic Liver Building

Last edited 22 February 2011 at 12:13pm

Greenpeace targets HQ of food giant Princes over shark-killing methods

21 February, 2011

Bosses arriving for work this morning at the giant food company Princes were confronted with the consequences of the destructive, shark-killing fishing methods used to catch the tuna for their tins. (1)

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Tesco escapes last place in new tinned tuna league table with spectacular policy u-turn

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2011 at 10:40am - Comments
Tesco was bottom of our tinned tuna league table before a nifty u-turn
All rights reserved. Credit: Cobb / Greenpeace
Tesco was bottom of our tinned tuna league table before a nifty u-turn

Update, 9 March 2011: both Princes and Asda have committed to removing tuna caught using fish aggregating devices in combination with purse seine nets from their supply chains by 2014. Read more >>

Having got wind of our new tinned tuna league table (see below) and the fact that it was going to come last, Tesco has done a spectacular u-turn. After being the subject of a Greenpeace investigation, it has radically improved its policy on the fishing methods it will permit for its own-brand tuna.

Tuna league table 2011

Last edited 16 August 2011 at 3:49pm

Find out which tinned tuna is the most environmentally friendly, and which brands are responsible for catching sharks, turtles and possibly even dolphins in their nets.

Defending Pacific tuna: on the trail of FADs and pirates

Posted by jossc — 3 September 2009 at 10:29am - Comments

It's only a couple of days since the Esperanza set out on the Defending Our Pacific Tour, but already the crew are deeply engaged in the fight to save Pacific tuna from decimation.

Tuna are the main target of industrial fishing fleets from Asia, USA and the EU. Between them they took over 2.5 million tonnes last year alone - a totally unsustainable amount. And the indiscriminate nature of their fishing methods means that thousands of sharks and turtles also die needlessly in their nets.

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