farmscale trials

The Greenpeace 28 go on trial in Norfolk on April 3rd 2000

Last edited 24 March 2000 at 9:00am
Greenpeace activists arrested for removing GM crop

Greenpeace activists arrested for removing GM crop

Scientific Steering Committee on GM crop trials meets tomorrow

Last edited 21 March 2000 at 9:00am
21 March, 2000

Committee will decide on next round of GM plantings

The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meets tomorrow morning (10/3/00) at the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) to agree the national programme of GM crop trials for 2000.

GM trials are 'genetic tyranny' says Greenpeace, as Government announces

Last edited 17 March 2000 at 9:00am
17 March, 2000
Protesters uproot a crop of GM maize in Norfolk. The government has announced an 800 per cent increase in farm scale trials

Protesters uproot a crop of GM maize in Norfolk. The government has announced an 800 per cent increase in farm scale trials

Greenpeace today accused the Government of genetic tyranny as the DETR announced an 800% increase in the number of 'farm scale trial' sites for genetically modified crops.

Peter Melchett, Executive Director of Greenpeace in the UK, said, "This is a potential tragedy for the environment. Britain will be bombarded with GM pollen with no regard for wildlife, the public or GM-free farmers. The whole process has been nothing short of genetic tyranny with an almost complete absence of public consultation".

Tesco bans crops grown on GM test sites

Last edited 6 January 2000 at 9:00am
6 January, 2000

Tesco, the UK's largest food retailer, has written to its suppliers instructing them not to grow crops on sites used for the testing of genetically modified crops. The letter to suppliers states that "We need to be able to assure our customers that no material from GM crop trials could come in contact with our crops. Therefore any crop grown for Tesco MUST NOT [Tesco's emphasis] be grown in a field that has been used for GM trial crops".

Local opposition leads farmer to quit GM experiment

Last edited 27 October 1999 at 8:00am
27 October, 1999

A Nottinghamshire farmer announced last night that he has decided to back out of plans to grow a farm-scale experiment of herbicide resistant oil seed rape, on behalf of agrochemical company AgrEvo, following concern from local residents.

David Rose, of Home Farm in Screveton, backed out of plans to grow winter GM oil seed rape after local people, including farmers and beekeepers, expressed their concern at a public meeting held at Syerston Village Hall last month, that the GM crops would contaminate the environment.

"Greenpeace 28" for trial

Last edited 20 September 1999 at 8:00am
20 September, 1999

Peter Melchett - arrested for removing GM cropsAt Norwich Magistrates Court today (20th September 1999), twenty eight Greenpeace volunteers who took action to stop a GM maize crop in Norfolk from irreversibly polluting the environment were committed to trial by jury. The trial will take place at Norwich Crown Court.

The twenty eight volunteers have pleaded 'not guilty' to charges of theft and criminal damage that were brought against them for taking non-violent direct action at Lyng in Norfolk, on July 26th 1999, against a farm-scale 'trial' of GM maize, conducted by agrochemical company AgrEvo.

AgrEvo rides roughshod over public opposition to GM experiments - again!

Last edited 10 September 1999 at 8:00am
10 September, 1999

Greenpeace deeply regrets agrochemical company AgrEvo's announcement today (10th September 1999) that it has planted three farm-scale trials of GM winter oilseed rape despite overwhelming public opposition to the trials.

Government rides over public opinion on GM plantings

Last edited 16 August 1999 at 8:00am
16 August, 1999

Greenpeace today described the Government's decision to plant four further GM farm scale test sites in the UK as inappropriate and irresponsible.

Peter Melchett's appeal for bail granted

Last edited 28 July 1999 at 8:00am
28 July, 1999

London -- Following an appeal against a Magistrate's decision to refuse bail yesterday, a Judge at Norwich Crown Court has granted Lord Peter Melchett bail.

Greenpeace in court over GM decontamination - Lord Melchett denied bail

Last edited 27 July 1999 at 8:00am
27 July, 1999

Greenpeace activists arrested for removing GM cropTwenty Eight Greenpeace volunteers, including Lord Peter Melchett, being held in police custody for decontaminating a genetically modified (GM) farm-scale trial are appearing in Norwich Magistrates Court today. Before adjourning for lunch, the Magistrate denied Lord Melchett bail until August 5th, the remaining 27 will be heard after lunch.

The 28 are being charged with criminal damage and theft and will plead not guilty. Greenpeace Campaign Director Sarah Burton explained that this issue is about the defence of public rights. She said, "the public has the right to a safe environment and food-chain free from GM contamination. If the authorities, in this case the Government, fail to uphold those rights it is legitimate for others to do so. We took urgent action to defend those public rights."