fish farming

A run on salmon?

Posted by Willie — 16 February 2010 at 3:38pm - Comments

It's worth stopping to think about the true price of the salmon you eat. And there's quite a lot to think about.

Salmon is one of the biggest international seafood commodities, and in the UK it's easily one of the most consumed and most conspicuous species in our supermarkets and restaurants. But the vast majority of the salmon you'll find on shelves or plates these days has been farmed rather than fished. Partly that’s because there's hardly any wild Atlantic salmon left, but it's also because salmon's popularity has grown and it has gone from being a delicacy to become more of an everyday food in the past few decades.

To farm or not to farm?

Posted by jossc — 16 May 2007 at 2:51pm - Comments

50 percent of fresh supermarket fish comes from farms

50 per cent of fresh fish sold in supermarkets comes from farms

One obvious response to the disappearance of wild fish from our seas is "Why don’t we replace them with farmed varieties. We do it with land animals, so why not fish?" Of course this is already happening – over 40 per cent of the world's fish production already comes from aquaculture, and 50 per cent of fish sold in UK supermarkets comes from farms. These pen-reared fish grow at a phenomenal rate. For example, wild cod double in size every year, but hatchery cod quadruple in the same period. Given that size determines reproductive rate, at first glance this could be a solution to repopulating wild stocks.

Sustainable seafood: what fish can I eat?

Last edited 19 March 2012 at 1:36pm

If your supermarket, fishmonger or restaurant does not have a good policy on sourcing sustainable seafood, you will need to do the hard work yourself. Asking questions about your seafood sends a clear message to supermarkets and restaurants that people do care where their seafood comes from.

Is there something I haven't tried before?

Many stocks of the popular whitefish such as cod or plaice are in bad shape - there may be plenty on the shelves, but there are not many left in the sea. Try something new - ask staff at the fish counter for a good alternative to your usual choice. Some supermarkets are promoting these alternatives each month - look out for these options. If consumers reduce consumption and broaden their tastes, then the pressure on popular species can be reduced.

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