friends of the earth

Green groups in legal bid to stop MOX nuclear plant

Last edited 5 October 2001 at 8:00am
5 October, 2001

The Government is being taken to court to prevent the controversial plutonium plant at Sellafield from opening. Lawyers acting for Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace today filed papers in the High Court.

The judicial review follows Wednesday's decision by the Government to give state-owned British Nuclear Fuels Plc (BNFL) the go-ahead to begin operations at the mixed oxide (MOX) plant. Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace say the decision is unlawful because:

Government puts terror groups a step nearer to nuclear bombs- Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth court challenge likely

Last edited 3 October 2001 at 8:00am
3 October, 2001

The UK Government's approval, announced today, for a controversial new plutonium fuel facility at the Sellafield nuclear complex will increase the risk of terrorists seizing weapons usable material, Greenpeace has warned.

The group said the decision to give the go-ahead to British Nuclear Fuels' mixed oxide or 'MOX' fuel plant and its associated exports was "dangerously irresponsible and "an affront to the international community". On Monday, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called upon the world to work together to reduce the risks of terror groups obtaining nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Today's move ignores that call and extends the proliferation of plutonium around the world.

Greenpeace volunteers shut down Esso's fuel supply

Last edited 25 July 2001 at 8:00am
25 July, 2001

At 5.30am this morning, fifty-two Greenpeace volunteers and five 'rogue' tigers shut down Esso's fuel distribution centre at Purfleet, Essex. The volunteers shut down the plant to put pressure on Esso to protect the planet. Esso is the world's number one global warming villain and is behind George Bush's refusal to sign up the US to the Kyoto climate treaty. Purfleet supplies Esso fuels to the South East from Hastings to the Wash.

Daily update COP6

Posted by bex — 21 July 2001 at 12:00am - Comments
Under threat - polar bear

Under threat - polar bear

Update: 21st July

The highlight Saturday outside the conference center, was a massive lifeboat organised by Friends of the Earth, constructed with planks covered in messages from all over the world, and towed throughout the city of Bonn and eventually into the Robert Schumann Platz at the conference center. A party atmosphere prevailed throughout the demonstration, and a good time was had by all.

Inside, Chairman Pronk outlined the process that he planned to use to get us through the final stage of negotiation, which is complicated enough to not bear repeating.

Suffice it to say that his plan called for a series of working groups which would report back to him. Then he would write up a text for consideration by the different groups. This was to happen sometime late in the afternoon. The paper finally arrived some time after 11 PM, so Greenpeace and all the other organisations got hold of copies and rushed off to put together commentary on it.

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