the body shop

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

Writing on the wall for fossil fuels

Posted by bex — 2 September 2002 at 8:00am - Comments
Choose Positive Energy petition hand in

Choose Positive Energy petition hand in

Greenpeace and The Body Shop presented 1,602,489 signatures to the Earth Summit in the form of an interactive mural calling upon delegates to agree to get clean, reliable, renewable energy into the hands of 2 billion of the world's poorest people by 2010.

Greenpeace and The Body Shop teamed up about a year ago to create the Choose Positive Energy Campaign, launched in January of this year. The demand: that governments vastly expand renewable energy for people across the world - the industrialised governments should expand their renewable energy supplies and all governments should commit to providing small-scale renewable solutions like solar and wind power, small-scale hydro, and biomass, to the world's poorest.

Choose Positive Energy with Greenpeace & The Body Shop!

Last edited 7 June 2002 at 8:00am
Choose Positive Energy postcard 2002

Choose Positive Energy postcard 2002

Greenpeace volunteers shut down Esso's fuel supply

Last edited 25 July 2001 at 8:00am
25 July, 2001

At 5.30am this morning, fifty-two Greenpeace volunteers and five 'rogue' tigers shut down Esso's fuel distribution centre at Purfleet, Essex. The volunteers shut down the plant to put pressure on Esso to protect the planet. Esso is the world's number one global warming villain and is behind George Bush's refusal to sign up the US to the Kyoto climate treaty. Purfleet supplies Esso fuels to the South East from Hastings to the Wash.

Greenpeace and The Body Shop launch challenge to bring clean energy to two billion worldwide

Last edited 28 June 2001 at 8:00am
28 June, 2001

Leading environmental organisation Greenpeace has joined forces with international high street retailer, The Body Shop today, to challenge world governments to provide access to renewable energy for all within ten years, in particular the two billion people who live without any power.