August 2016

5 manifesto commitments the new government can't forget

Posted by FariahSyed — 9 August 2016 at 5:05pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

David Cameron may be gone but he still has a legacy - the Conservative Manifesto. It might not sound the most fun, but the pledges that the Conservatives made in the 2015 General Election still govern and guide their policies today, even with Theresa May now in charge.

Here are 5 key pledges the Government made in 2015 that they must remember and deliver on now:<--break-><--break->

4 stories of Indigenous Peoples’ struggle for climate justice

Posted by Martin Vainstein — 8 August 2016 at 3:58pm - Comments

Fracking, racism, powerful mining companies, colonialism, the oil industry – Indigenous People across the world are fighting so many things in the struggle for climate justice.

In Pictures: Buzzing bees, it's the tiny workers' special day!

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 5 August 2016 at 12:31pm - Comments

Whether you celebrate World Honey Bee Day by rustling up your favourite honey-orange quinoa or watching Hitchcock’s ‘The Bees’, spare a thought for these tiny workers today. The awareness day was initially organised by beekeepers in the USA to highlight bees' involvement in sustainable farming and food production. Many crops are pollinated by bees and we have them to thank for apples, pumpkins and more.