January 2017

HSBC boss grilled on Greenpeace campaign at Davos

Posted by Joe Sutherland — 25 January 2017 at 4:27pm - Comments

Last week we revealed that HSBC - the biggest bank in the UK - is funding palm oil companies who are destroying rainforests in Indonesia. People across the world have since demanded that HSBC stop its profit-hungry palm oil investments.

The journey to City Hall

Posted by Neil Jones — 25 January 2017 at 1:06pm - Comments
School children handing letter to Sadiq Khan
All rights reserved. Credit: Kristian Buus

Yesterday I went to London’s City Hall to deliver a letter from over 100 local headteachers to the Mayor, Sadiq Khan. The letter calls for safe, clean air for children all over the city. “Clean air now! Clean air now! Clean air now!” chanted children from five primary schools. And who could argue with that?

'You wouldn't risk this place for all the oil in the world' - Introducing the Amazon Reef

Posted by Mal Chadwick — 23 January 2017 at 1:43pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Zig Koch / Natureza Brasileira

Big news: scientists have confirmed the discovery of an incredible coral reef at the mouth of the Amazon river!


But we can’t celebrate just yet: oil companies are closing in with a reckless plan to drill for oil nearby. Once they get government approval, these companies could start drilling within months. We can’t let that happen.

An oil spill could devastate this amazing place, harming wildlife and ruining local people’s livelihoods. 

Open letter to Sadiq Khan from London's headteachers

Posted by Neil Jones — 23 January 2017 at 11:17am - Comments
Children crossing a road near a red London bus
All rights reserved. Credit: Elizabeth Dalziel

Dear Sadiq Khan,

We are headteachers who represent schools from across London. Our schools are in areas where our children and young people are being forced to breathe some of the most toxic air in London, and the country as a whole.

We welcome the bold commitments you have made to clean up London’s air.

Fiat and Renault: An industry in crisis

Posted by Emily Randall — 14 January 2017 at 2:54pm - Comments
Renault and fiat logos
All rights reserved. Credit: E Randall

The car industry is under the spotlight this week. Fiat are facing accusations of cheating on diesel emissions by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Like Volkswagen it is about using technology that hides the true impact and damage their cars are doing. The accusations came just a day after Volkswagen admitted to cheating emissions tests in over 500,000 vehicles and received fines of $4.3bn.

In the era of Trump it's time to build bridges not walls

Posted by India Thorogood — 13 January 2017 at 6:02pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Andrew Lichtenstein/Greenpeace

Next week, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, after a year when, around the world, the politics of hate, fear and division too often blossomed. He'll be a President that has not only denied climate change but attempted to divide our world and send a message of hatred.

Up where the air isn’t clear

Posted by Emily Randall — 6 January 2017 at 12:22pm - Comments
Mary Poppins in air pollution mask over Westminster to highlight air pollution
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace / Chris Ratcliffe
Mary Poppins in air pollution mask flies over Westminster to highlight air pollution in the UK

Children’s hero Mary Poppins is back. But the air isn’t clear as she makes her descent - she has to wear an air pollution mask to cut through the toxic fumes.

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