Greenpeace Blog

Mail's top climate journalist confesses...

Posted by Graham Thompson — 18 September 2013 at 2:05pm - Comments

The Mail on Sunday has withdrawn claims made by journalist David Rose in last weekend’s edition of the newspaper. Rose wrote that IPCC climate scientists had predicted warming of 0.2oC per decade, but that actual warming was 0.12oC per decade since 1951. Thus, his original headline read: “World’s top climate scientists confess: global warming is HALF what we said”. Except, the IPCC never claimed 0.2oC of warming for that period, they claimed a 0.13oC trend, meaning they were only out by a statistically insignificant 0.01o. Rose got his numbers wrong, he was exposed across the internet and now he’s been forced to retract the claim. Rose regards himself as the great climate truth-teller, sniffing out all and any errors and omissions in the data before splashing them across the pages of the Mail in his own hyper-ventilating style.

                                                                                                                                                       So we wondered how David Rose would report on the revelation that he got his own climate story wrong....


A squinty glimpse through Rupert Murdoch’s climate denial toilet roll

Posted by Graham Thompson — 16 September 2013 at 2:01pm - Comments
Rupert Murdoch Tweets on climate change
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
There's only one way to make Rupert's sea ice logic make sense...

Dear old grandpa Rupert has found a cherry in some climate data, and has been excitedly pointing at it on twitter and demanding that Al Gore explain it to him. Al’s not biting, but it would probably be good news for everyone if the world’s biggest newspaper mogul understood the world’s biggest news story, so here goes.

Dispatch from the frontline against dirty coal in Europe

Posted by Greenpeace UK — 16 September 2013 at 1:17pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Activists chained themselves... and concrete blocks... to the rails

Today 40 Greenpeace activists in Germany chained themselves to a railway line to block coal shipments to one of Europe’s most polluting power plants. The plant is run by the Swedish state-owned energy giant, Vattenfall, burning brown-coal (or Lignite), the most polluting way to generate energy. Gregor Kessler reports from the railway line in Lausitz, where activists from have been chained since three this morning.

Coach service from Canterbury, Brighton, Bristol and Oxford to Aurora's parade

Posted by Fran G — 5 September 2013 at 5:35pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: © Louise Alexander

Coaches have been arranged from Bristol, Brighton, Oxford and Canterbury to bring you to London for Aurora's parade on 15 September and take you back to your destination. 

To secure a place on one of these services, please book your seat by 5pm Wednesday 11 September

To book, click on the relevant link below: 

Brighton - click here

Pick up from Brighton train station at 9.30am

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