Greenpeace Blog

Slideshow: oil spill clean up in Thailand

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 31 July 2013 at 4:12pm - Comments

Normally you associate Thailand’s beaches and holiday resorts with emerald water and white sands, but on Saturday morning 50,000 litres of crude oil spilled from a leak in a pipeline into the Gulf of Thailand, off Rayong province.

Sharks need parks (and for you to stop rubbing them on your face)

Posted by Willie — 29 July 2013 at 4:34pm - Comments
Selfridges Project Ocean save our sharks display
All rights reserved. Credit: Willie Mackenzie
Selfridges Project Ocean - making sharks more fluffy

Okay, so it’s unlikely you’ll ever see a hammerhead on a helter-skelter; it’s fair to say you won’t see many basking sharks see-sawing with sawfish; and woe betide the wobbegong that tries to have a go on a roundabout. But sharks need parks too. They have as much right to play in safety as anyone else, right?

Slideshow: devastating fires sweep through Sumatran forests

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 26 July 2013 at 4:48pm - Comments

Sitting in my comfortable office chair and watching these terrible images come through the picture desk, I feel a desperate need to stop this destruction. The devastating forest fires that swept through Sumatra recently caused record breaking air pollution in parts of Malaysia and Singapore.

Video: how to climb the tallest building in western Europe

Posted by victoriah — 24 July 2013 at 6:08pm - Comments

Since the six of us climbed the Shard, many people have asked: how did we do it? How much training did it take? How did we go to the toilet?

Blackfish: when whales turn killer

Posted by Willie — 24 July 2013 at 4:24pm - Comments
An orca performing
All rights reserved. Credit: Dogwoof
Being held in captivity can chop 50-60 years from a killer whale's life expectancy

When I was little, I can vaguely remember a trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park for my birthday. This was back in the days when the world was black and white, Starburst was called Opal Fruits, and they still had dolphins in captivity in the UK. I don’t remember much, but I know we watched a dolphin ‘show’ with balls and hoops and clapping and ‘ooh-ing’.

You can’t see a dolphin in the UK doing that today. That is progress.

Hell yeah, I'm scared, but I'm still scaling the Shard to save the Arctic

Posted by victoriah — 11 July 2013 at 8:26am - Comments
The Iceclimb team
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
Victoria, third from left, with her fellow activists before heading up the Shard

With any luck, as you read this I’ll be clinging to the side of the Shard, hundreds of metres up in the sky.

But as I write this, with less than a week to go, I’m just feeling... tired. I have sores on my shoulders from training with backpacks full of weights, and every night brings tiresome dreams about carabiners and tangled ropes.

'No one owns the fish of the sea': landmark ruling prevents ocean privatisation

Posted by Ariana Densham — 10 July 2013 at 10:32am - Comments
Sustainably caught fish in Hastings
All rights reserved. Credit: David Sandison / Greenpeace
The High Court ruling prevents big business from claiming ownership of fish stocks

This morning I was at the High Court in central London where a historic ruling was handed down on who controls the UK's right to fish.

An attempt by big fishing firms to protect their decades-long stranglehold on Britain’s fish was resoundingly defeated in court. The judgement gives back control of our seas to the public and the UK government, rather than big industry.

Sympathy for the revel - Glastonbury 2013

Posted by kcumming — 5 July 2013 at 4:07pm - Comments

It’s not every day we trump the Rolling Stones. But more than once at Glastonbury 2013, I overheard people pointing to the Greenpeace field and saying “that’s been my favourite thing at the festival”.

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