Greenpeace Blog

Five days to win a clean energy future!

Posted by LiamBB — 23 October 2013 at 8:00am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Friends of the Earth
#Vote4CleanPower action at the House of Lords, 15 October 2013

The story of the Energy Bill has been a long uphill struggle, but we’re nearly there! It began with months of delays. Then there was the shock at the draft Bill which lacked any substantial action to address climate change. Eventually hundreds of organisations piled on the pressure that led to the second biggest rebellion this Commons has seen. Now the Bill is at its final stage in House of Lords – and we’re still fighting for a victory that is almost visible on the horizon.

In pictures: Chinese coal giant plunders Inner Mongolia's water resources

Posted by Angela Glienicke — 23 October 2013 at 12:00am - Comments
Local farmer Hu Shan
All rights reserved. Credit: © Bo Qiu / Greenpeace
Local farmer Hu Shan pulls up a dead yang chai bush near Shenhua's Number 8 water well

We’ve had a fantastic, hot summer this year, cooling down with a drink of water whenever needed.

So when I look at Bo Qiu’s photo feature of water shortages in Inner Mongolia it is a strong reminder that easy access to clean water is not a given for everyone.

Meet the Not For Shale legal blockers

Posted by LiamBB — 22 October 2013 at 2:18pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
Have you declared your home Not For Shale?

Since last week, nearly 17,000 of us have come together to throw a major spanner in the works of those who want to see Britain fracked. Together, thousands of us living in areas earmarked for potential shale gas extraction have launched a serious legal challenge against underhouse fracking. Now meet a few of the people who have joined the Not For Shale legal block.

A letter of thanks from David Haussmann, detained in Russia for a peaceful protest

Posted by jamie — 17 October 2013 at 5:48pm - Comments
David Haussmann in court in Murmansk
All rights reserved. Credit: Dmitri Sharomov / Greenpeace

David 'Haussy' Haussmann is one of the 'Arctic 30' detained in Russia and charged with piracy for a peaceful protest against Arctic oil drilling.

Below is a letter from David to everyone who's supported him over the past 28 days.