Greenpeace Blog

There is more than one way to save the planet

Posted by Esther Freeman — 29 March 2011 at 5:47pm - Comments
Model on the catwalk
by-nc-sa. Credit: Ammar Abd Rabbo

In response to Rachel's recent blog about taking in part in direct actions in such a male-orientated world as Greenpeace, Esther explains that you don't necessarily have to climb tall buildings to have an impact.

Some women have a touch of the Lara Croft about them, but others - no matter how hard we try - would always prefer a nice bit of cake and a day out shopping to climbing up chimneys. Not that there is anything wrong with this – after all, there is more than one way to save the planet.

From our radiation sampling team in Japan

Posted by jamie — 29 March 2011 at 10:15am - Comments
Jacob Namminga checks a colleague's boots for traces of radioactivity
All rights reserved. Credit: Christian Åslund/Greenpeace
Jacob Namminga checks a colleague's boots for traces of radioactivity

Jacob Namminga, one of our radiation safety advisors, spoke to Brian Fitzgerald at our international office, about the radiation monitoring that began on Saturday March 26, in a rural area of Japan to the north west of the Fukushima nuclear plant.

The trip's aim was to asses the true extent of radiation risks to the local population, which has reported radiation levels of up to ten micro sieverts per hour in Iitate village, 20km beyond the official evacuation zone - levels high enough to require evacuation. As told to Brian, here are Jacob's reflections on the trip.

'Greenest government ever' keeps us addicted to oil and other dirty energies

Posted by jamie — 24 March 2011 at 4:32pm - Comments

So yesterday's budget was from the self-proclaimed 'greenest government ever', but was it the greenest budget ever? How could it be, when it has done nothing to break our addiction with oil, hobbled the Green Investment Bank before it's even started, and provided a windfall for nuclear power.

MoD starts purchasing Trident replacement without parliamentary OK - get your MP to act!

Posted by andrelotz — 18 March 2011 at 3:22pm - Comments
While cuts are being made to public services, why is money being spent on weapon
All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace
While cuts are being made to public services, why is money being spent on weapons we neither want or need?

At the mention of nuclear today our thoughts turn to the situation in Japan and all of those affected by the earthquakes, tsunami and nuclear emergency. I can only hope that the situation at Fukushima is soon contained and the risks minimised for everyone affected.

Here in the UK, there is another nuclear issue that is silently inching forward without parliamentary approval or public awareness – nuclear weapons replacement.

European fisheries reform must scrap overfishing

Posted by Ariana Densham — 17 March 2011 at 6:14pm - Comments

For many people, the three words ‘Common Fisheries Policy’ previously went hand in hand with another four words: ‘What does that mean?’ Either that or, a hefty yawn and a glazed look.

But, this is changing.

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