Greenpeace Blog

Thanks for saving millions of barrels of oil

Posted by jamess — 28 January 2011 at 12:40pm - Comments
By pushing for strong European emissions laws, we can save a lot of oil
All rights reserved. Credit: © Greenpeace / Philip Reynaers
By pushing for strong European emissions laws, we can save a lot of oil

Thanks to all of you who sent emails to Philip Hammond and Ford over the past few months - you really made an impact.

Your pressure helped us take an important step towards kicking our oil addiction.

MoD have a Trident-sized hole in their budget

Posted by Louise Edge — 21 January 2011 at 11:49am - Comments

Yesterday's headline in the FT shouted "MoD faces fresh crisis over funding". It turns out that the Ministry of Defence have checked over last October's defence review and found out that they actually need an extra £1 billion a year over the next four years to deliver it.

Who's going to defend the Arctic?

Posted by jamess — 18 January 2011 at 5:43pm - Comments
Oil companies are taking their drills to the Arctic
All rights reserved. Credit: Nick Cobbing / Greenpeace
Oil companies are taking their drills to the Arctic

The masters at Marvel comics would struggle to find bad guys worse than these.

Take two of the world’s biggest environmental villains – Russian Rosneft (special powers: oil leaks. 7,526 in 2009 alone) and British BP (special powers: oil spills. Gulf of Mexico, 2010).

Sales for 'sustainable' seafood soar, but is the problem shifting elsewhere?

Posted by jamie — 18 January 2011 at 5:28pm - Comments

It's been a good week for seafood sales. The Guardian reports that supermarkets have been doing brisk business in "sustainable seafood", particularly those featured in the various Big Fish Fight shows on Channel 4.

Are oil investors using the wrong indicators of value?

Posted by jamess — 17 January 2011 at 2:06pm - Comments
Chopped down Boreal forest near a tar sands mine in Alberta, Canada
All rights reserved. Credit: Jiri Rezak / WWF
Chopped down Boreal forest near a tar sands mine in Alberta, Canada

We've released a report today with partners from Platform and Oil Change International about oil investment and increasingly risky sources of oil. Download the report here (pdf).

Lorne Stockman, from Oil Change International, blogs about the issues covered in the report:

Is a key valuation metric used by analysts to assess oil companies pushing big oil towards riskier and riskier projects?

Princes changes tuna labels but not its policies

Posted by jamie — 14 January 2011 at 6:44pm - Comments

So, what's been going on since our tinned tuna league table was released on an expectant world at the weekend? Quite a bit as it happens and already you've helped us score another small but vital victory over the worst of the tuna companies, Princes.

Ahoy! A nuclear scandal ahead?

Posted by Louise Edge — 14 January 2011 at 6:09pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: John Cobb / Greenpeace

Remember the defence review? The one that left us marvelling at the Alice in Wonderland world we inhabit - where we build two giant aircraft carriers we don’t actually want because building them is actually cheaper than cancelling them? The one that said we can’t actually afford to buy any planes to put on those carriers?

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