Greenpeace Blog

Where did all the fun go?

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 4 July 2013 at 6:43pm - Comments
Electric car charging station sign
All rights reserved. Credit: boboroshi
Sign of the times, but car companies are dragging their heels over electric vehicles

I grew up on a diet of TV shows like Knight Rider and The A Team. I saw Ferrari and Mclaren produce faster cars as time went by. I admired how the car industry kept on trying to improve.

But it seems like some carmakers have lost the fun of innovation.

Russian oil spills damaging impact on local wildlife and the environment

Posted by Fran G — 2 July 2013 at 12:49pm - Comments
Aerial of an oil spill in a forest near Surgut
All rights reserved. Credit: Denis Sinyakov Greenpeace
Aerial of an oil spill in a forest near Surgut. Disastrous oil spills are a daily routine at Rosneft fields near Pyt'-Yah, Khanty-Mansi region, Siberia.

Denis Sinyakov, who covered Greenpeace’s expedition to the Rosneft’s oil fields, is a Moscow-based Russian photographer, who worked as a photo editor and a staff photographer at Agence France-Presse and Reuters.

Save the Arctic from Shell and its Russian friends

Posted by ianduff — 2 July 2013 at 8:00am - Comments

The Arctic is once again under attack from oil companies.

Over the past year we’ve seen just how reckless Arctic drilling is. Shell, one of the world’s biggest and most powerful corporations, has been leading the charge but a catalogue of screw-ups forced it to pause its drilling program in Alaska

Let's do the Time warp again!

Posted by Graham Thompson — 28 June 2013 at 1:06pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: petepassword
Thanks to petepassword for this Time Magazine spoof cover

So why did David Rose put a forgery of a Time Magazine cover in the Mail on Sunday? Well, the simple answer is that there weren't any real Time covers which supported his point, otherwise I'm sure he would have used one of them. His point was, to quote Michael Crichton, "in the 1970′s (sic) all the climate scientists believed an ice age was coming.”

The subtext being that climate scientists are slightly hysterical doom-mongers who were wrong then and so can be wrong now. I'm sure you can guess who really has the monopoly on wrongness in this debate.

Dear Mail on Sunday, Time is not on your side

Posted by Graham Thompson — 28 June 2013 at 7:00am - Comments

Once in a while, roughly every month or two, Daily Mail journalist David Rose likes to focus his laser-like mind on the twisting swindlers of the so-called scientific community, and write a big exposé of the Great Climate Hoax. He's an expert on hoaxes, and so would never be caught out by one himself. You would think.

Cleaner cars vote postponed as Germany secures pit stop for gas guzzlers

Posted by Hugh Mouser — 27 June 2013 at 6:13pm - Comments
Car exhaust fumes
All rights reserved. Credit: Gowan / Greenpeace
Clean car vote postponed? We're fuming

It looks like Angela Merkel's call to David Cameron last night has paid off, and the key vote on cleaner cars has been postponed.

URGENT: is Cameron doing a dangerous last-minute U-turn on cars?

Posted by jamess — 27 June 2013 at 10:50am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: ERIC FEFERBERG/AFP/Getty Images
You want it? You got it..

We've heard from an inside source that Angela Merkel the German Chancellor called Prime Minister David Cameron last night in a bid to block a critical law to make cleaner European cars. Ministers were supposed to agree the law today.

This is what a massive forest fire looks like

Posted by Richardg — 25 June 2013 at 11:31am - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: Ulet Ifansasti / Greenpeace
Huge forest fires in Indonesia are blanketing Singapore and Malaysia with record-breaking pollution

The Sumatran rainforests, home to the last Sumatran tigers, orangutans and rhinos, are on fire. Our team have been on the ground documenting the disaster. These devastating images show what they found.

On a clear day you can see the future

Posted by Graham Thompson — 24 June 2013 at 4:19pm - Comments
All rights reserved. Credit: n/a
Borisconi and his chief climate advisor

Borisconi's leadership campaign has struck again, and the Telegraph's somewhat battered reputation for science reporting is again the first casualty.

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