Greenpeace Blog

China gives inefficient bulbs the boot

Posted by jamie — 4 October 2007 at 3:43pm - Comments

I had one of those meetings this morning where I was doodling on my notebook rather than listening as attentively as perhaps I should have been, but the words 'China', 'light' and 'bulbs' caught my attention. I started paying even more attention when I realised it related to the news that China will be phasing out incandescent bulbs in the next 10 years.

Seven years to save the Amazon

Posted by jamie — 3 October 2007 at 6:29pm - Comments

An area of burnt forest inside a protected area of the Amazon rainforest

A burnt area of the Amazon rainforest in Itaituba 2, a protected area (Photo: Daniel Beltra)

Seven years? It's a tall order but we have a cunning plan. Together with eight other national campaigning organisations, our Brazilian team have launched an ambitious proposal with a goal of zero deforestation by 2015.

The plan sets out specific targets that could see deforestation drop gradually over the next seven years, pushing for a cut of 25 per cent in the first year compared to figures for 2005/6. It's thinking on a massive scale, but we believe it can be done - with deforestation rates already falling and with a concerted effort it really could happen.

The award-winning light bulb that certainly isn't dim

Posted by jamie — 3 October 2007 at 2:50pm - Comments

Louise Molloy, Tony Doyle and Jason Bruges holding the award

Greenpeace campaigner Louise Molloy, light bulb inventor Tony Doyle and designer Jason Bruges, proud owners of an award for innovation (Photo: Philip Vile)

One more (slightly belated) piece of news from the 100% Design exhibition comes in the form of an award. The light bulb used in Jason Bruges' installation has been given the inaugural award for innovative lighting design by the event's organisers, recognising the fact that it is the world's first fully dimmable energy efficient bulb.

Powering the South-West, and the tricky issue of tidal power in the Severn

Posted by bex — 2 October 2007 at 6:18pm - Comments

How to best power the UK: what with the government's endless energy reviews, its current nuclear consultation and the rapidly growing interest in low carbon energy sources, it's the question every greenie worth their salt is talking about at the moment.

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