
Last edited 6 November 2014 at 3:40pm

Reducing CO2 emissions from energy generation is key to tackling climate change. Over the coming years, the UK's ageing coal, gas and nuclear power stations will need replacing and we have to decide what comes next. Do we want a clean energy future and a thriving green economy or do we rebuild the expensive, polluting energy dinosaurs?

We're campaigning for a clean energy future. A stronger green economy with new jobs and growth. Clean, efficient renewable energy and to end CO2 emissions from electricity generation.

Campaign updates

Lancashire fracking decision is a huge victory for people power

Yesterday, something incredible happened. For the second time in just seven days, Lancashire county council said no to fracking. This was a huge win for...
Posted by Richard Casson - 30 June, 2015 - 13:22

Which MPs have spoken out against fracking? Here are a few to keep an eye on

In the run up to last month’s election, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth teamed up to launch the Frack Free Promise – a political pledge that candidates...
Posted by Greenpeace UK - 15 June, 2015 - 12:29

Costly Coal - Shareholder risk in Coal India

Investors will soon be offered further equity (an FPO of 10 per cent) in the Indian Government majority-owned Coal India Limited (CIL). This FPO will likely...
Posted by sebastianbock - 3 December, 2014 - 11:00

Costly Coal - Shareholder risk in Coal India

Investors will soon be offered further equity (an FPO of 10 per cent) in the Indian Government majority-owned Coal India Limited (CIL). This FPO will likely...
Posted by sebastianbock - 3 December, 2014 - 11:00
Lancashire County Councillors greeted with anti-fracking message

Fracking the desolate north: despatches from the frontline

Another fracking application, another town. I’m not sure the ‘Not For Shale roadshow on tour’ t-shirt is ready to compete yet with the One Direction world tour...
Posted by simon clydesdale - 17 July, 2014 - 10:21

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