
Stop climate change

Last edited 8 May 2017 at 12:25pm

Climate change isn't inevitable. We have the knowledge, skills and technologies to get ourselves out of this difficult situation. All over the world people have woken up to the threat, and are working to reduce the use of fossil fuels, stop rainforest destruction and get power from clean energy. Still much more needs to be done.

License: All rights reserved. Credit: Greenpeace

Greenpeace Reaction to Charles Hendry's Tidal Lagoon Report

Last edited 12 January 2017 at 11:38am
12 January, 2017

Greenpeace reaction following the appearance of Charles Hendry on BBC Radio 4 Today, talking about the viability of tidal lagoons, in which he said, "We know it absolutely works...We can start a new industry at an affordable cost to consumers":

Greenpeace UK's Chief Scientist, Dr Doug Parr, said:

Schools and Businesses To Be Hit By Solar Hike

Last edited 15 December 2016 at 11:31am
15 December, 2016

The government is set to knock solar power yet again with planned business rate hikes of up to 8 times what they currently are. 

Public sector organisations such as schools and businesses who have invested in solar panels, will be affected by unexpected tax hikes. The industry fears that people will be deterred from installing solar panels in the future.

Last edited 1 January 1970 at 1:00am

'Historic moment' as UK turns its back on coal

Last edited 18 November 2015 at 10:23am
18 November, 2015

It has been widely reported that Amber Rudd will announce that the UK will phase out coal power by 2025.

In response, John Sauven, Greenpeace UK Executive Director said:

5 things you need to know about the climate talks, COP21

Posted by Fran G — 9 November 2015 at 5:24pm - Comments

1.  What is COP21?

Between 30 November and 11 December 2015 a bunch of politicians and global leaders from over 190 countries will be involved in the United Nations 21st Conference of the Parties (‘COP21′, as it’s known). They’re meeting in Paris to try and agree a global legally binding climate treaty.

Why is the ‘party of business’ doing everything they can to damage the main growth industries of the 21st century?

Posted by Graham Thompson — 22 July 2015 at 3:02pm - Comments
Conservative manifesto cover
You really do need to speak to your father-in-law, George.

Coal and nuclear are dying, and the future of energy lies in solar. This isn’t a Guardian reader’s fantasy, this is the established trend in energy markets. This isn’t a declaration of victory over carbon dioxide either – the trend isn’t fast enough to stop catastrophic climate change, at least not yet – but it’s useful information for policy makers. Unless you’re George Osborne, in which case it’s time to plough the nation’s remaining finances into life support for nuclear and coal whilst standing athwart history yelling ‘STOP!’ 

Renewables CfD auction - Greenpeace response

Last edited 26 February 2015 at 1:38pm
26 February, 2015

In response to the first Contracts for Difference auctions for renewables, Greenpeace Chief Scientist Dr Doug Parr said -

“Today’s announcements show renewables’ costs are plummeting, and will mount a growing challenge to conventional sources of power in delivering energy security for the UK. Those who say we should tackle climate change but are opposed to wind and solar farms need to explain how they plan to cut carbon emissions whilst keeping consumer bills as low as possible. We’ve known onshore wind is much cheaper than nuclear for a while, but now we learn that solar power is already cheaper than new gas generation in some cases.

Green Investment Bank releases results

Last edited 24 June 2014 at 10:51am

Greenpeace response

24 June, 2014

London - In response to the Green Investment Bank's announcement of their annual results, Greenpeace UK energy campaigner Louise Hutchins said :

“One year on, the Green Investment Bank is clearly a success story, driving investment where it is needed in Britain’s cutting edge renewable industries. But the level of investment still doesn’t match Britain’s strategic requirements. George Osborne should now give the Bank freedom to borrow to invest at a much bigger scale, to modernise Britain’s decaying, polluting energy system and give a boost to the economy.

New renewable funding - Greenpeace response

Last edited 23 April 2014 at 11:07am
23 April, 2014

In response to the government announcing contracts for funding eight new renewable energy projects, Greenpeace UK energy campaigner Jimmy Aldridge said:

"We welcome the commitment to improving UK energy security by getting off imports and backing clean, home-grown energy. But all this needs to happen much faster and on a bigger scale if we are to guarantee a safe supply of clean power to Britain's homes.

There were 57 applications for renewable projects with a fixed-price guarantee, yet DECC only granted 8 – all of which are for more expensive projects. Just yesterday David Cameron announced he wants to limit onshore wind farms, despite these being the cheapest source of clean, home-grown energy we have.

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