
Last edited 6 November 2014 at 3:40pm

Reducing CO2 emissions from energy generation is key to tackling climate change. Over the coming years, the UK's ageing coal, gas and nuclear power stations will need replacing and we have to decide what comes next. Do we want a clean energy future and a thriving green economy or do we rebuild the expensive, polluting energy dinosaurs?

We're campaigning for a clean energy future. A stronger green economy with new jobs and growth. Clean, efficient renewable energy and to end CO2 emissions from electricity generation.

Campaign updates

Energy white paper 2007

In February a High Court judge described Tony Blair's energy review as "seriously flawed", "misleading" and "manifestly inadequate...
Posted by jamie - 18 May, 2007 - 12:47

Energy white paper 2007

In February a High Court judge described Tony Blair's energy review as "seriously flawed", "misleading" and "manifestly inadequate...
Posted by jamie - 18 May, 2007 - 12:47

Nuclear consultation: full and fair?

As a result of Greenpeace’s successful legal challenge to the 2006 energy review consultation process, the government has been forced back to the drawing...
Posted by bex - 14 May, 2007 - 10:23

Scotland's silver bullet

As the elections approach, Scotland is at an energy crossroads. Most Scottish people oppose new nuclear power. The Scottish National Party, Scottish Lib Dems...
Posted by bex - 26 March, 2007 - 15:46

Nuclear power and energy security

The UK will shortly become a net importer of gas, as the North Sea fields which have given us over 20 years of self-sufficiency finally begin to run dry;...
Posted by bex - 5 January, 2006 - 09:00

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