
Fracking bonkers? Decision to ban our ad shows twisted logic

Posted by Richard Casson — 6 May 2015 at 11:25am - Comments
by. Credit: Greenpeace
Our banned anti-fracking ad

If there was a Guiness Book of Records for the most absurd rulings ever issued, the UK advertising watchdog's decision to ban a Greenpeace anti-fracking ad would surely be given pride of place in the 2015 edition.

BAA rapped for 'misleading' third runway advert

Posted by jamie — 26 August 2009 at 12:17pm - Comments

For as long as it's been pushing for an expanded Heathrow, BAA has been making exaggerated claims about the environmental impacts of a third runway. Now they, along with aviation lobbying group Future Heathrow, have been hauled up by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for making "misleading" claims about the levels of dirt, noise and air pollution a new runway will generate.

Drowning in greenwash

Posted by jamie — 9 January 2008 at 4:03pm - Comments

Watching TV used to be a relaxing pleasure but now it makes my blood boil. It's not the programmes so much (although a lot of it is rubbish) but the advert breaks overflowing with greenwash, filled with images of doe-eyed creatures and tranquil woodlands by companies trying to convince me that they're really very green and, actually, always have been.

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