
It's official: BAA will say anything to get a 3rd runway approved at Heathrow

Posted by jossc — 26 November 2008 at 3:02pm - Comments

747 taking off from Heathrow

Boy are BAA keen on a third runway for Heathrow. Their enthusiasm knows no bounds, and there appear to be no lengths they won't go to to get their own way - purely for the good of the country, of course (even though they are Spanish owned) - no shabby profit motives involved.

So far in order to see their dream come true they have:

  • colluded with the government (through a joint body - the Heathrow Delivery Group) to steer their plans through the consultation process
  • supplied their own data for calculations of noise and pollution that inform the proposal, and prevented opposition groups gaining access it it to carry out their own analyses
  • written parts of the consultation themselves
  • drawn up a 'risk' list with the Department of Transport to counter opponents of the proposal (including the 2M campaign, the group comprising local councils representing 2 million people who'll be affected by the new runway)
  • taken out an injunction against Airportwatch, the umbrella organisation who's members include such radical groups as the National Trust, the RSPB, the Woodland Trust and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England, as well as ourselves.

Stansted: how you can help to stop BAA's expansion plans

Posted by jossc — 4 September 2008 at 3:21pm - Comments

Stansted: filghts will  more than double if a new runway is built

News just in from Carol of the Airportwatch/Stop Stansted Expansion group of skullduggery afoot by airport owners BAA to influence their application to build a second runway there. Apparently BAA has recently resorted to 'encouraging' not only its own staff members, but also those of its many suppliers, to write in to the local Uttlesford District Council in support of its new runway proposal.

Say 'NO' to Heathrow this Saturday

Posted by jossc — 28 May 2008 at 3:39pm - Comments

Come along to the 'Make a Noise'carnival to Stop Heathrow Expansion on 31 May 2008

Just a quick reminder to everyone who's been supporting the Stop Heathrow expansion campaign - don't forget to come along and add your voice at the Make a NOise carnival this Saturday. Decision time is fast approaching for the government - and they need a major reminder that if they are serious about tackling climate change, then 'NO' is the only sensible answer to the aviation industry's plans for unfettered airport expansion.

Make a NOise!

Posted by bex — 8 April 2008 at 12:21pm - Comments

Make A NOise graphic

Help create the biggest and loudest NO the world has ever seen!

The campaign against Heathrow expansion is already huge; there've been rallies, direct actions, flash mobs and an incredible 70,000 responses to the consultation (more on that shortly).

But an agenda for colossal airport expansion and colossal climate change demands a colossal response, and we want to make sure the plans to expand Heathrow receive the biggest and loudest NO the world's ever seen. Literally. A great big NO spelt out by human bodies, which we'd like to set a new world record as the biggest and loudest NO in the world.

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